please check this


Inactive User
Jan 7, 2002
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The king is dead long live the village idiot
can someone with knowledge have a look at this it dosent seem right to me tell all of us if this can be done and if it works <a href="" target="_blank"></a> cheers
First time i tried the link it crashed my whole system, the pics dont tell you wether the veroboard is flipped over or if its as though its see through and it doesnt tell you how to read anything off the gadget. i think you should just stick to the forum where it happens first.

the problem isent logging what fly sends to the card, its decyphering what you log
the best person i can think of to look at this would be L-Mitz, he's well up on this sort of thing. i think
The only thing I could find with this link is some details on logging, is that right?<br />Logging is now possible, and has been public for a few months approx.<br />There is a false belief about Sly, which is that most people believe the data stream coding is encrypted. This is NOT true. Facilities may exist that will enable sly to encrypt but they certainly do not send signals encrypted at present. With that said, it is still VERY difficult to understand the signal even reading in plain hexadecimal. The command structure is sooooo complexed and extremely more complicated than the stuff we are used to in the uk. But this is still not the problem because you CAN still decifer what is happening with intense study but you cannot replicate due to many security reasons.

[ 28 January 2002: Message edited by: L-Mitz ]</p>
hehe thanks guys, but there's loads I gotta learn. But thats partly why I'm here.<br />Anyway, I learnt from Digidude the other day when I thought u could read call centre telephone number in one of the engineer menu's. But thats not correct. Shows my lack of attention. If only I was clever then I'd be dangerous! <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
If you want to build a logger goto<br />which have the software & hardware for free downmload
or download Skylogpack3 which has been in digital files section for many months. There is also a logpack4 which gives some updated info, just let me know if u want it uplaoded.

Logging does not give free t\/ by the way.

Also I will mention Skybusters is not as 'open' as this forum, so stick to the place you feel at home in. <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
you can view free to air pics without a card<br />so would it not be possible to write a bit of software on a pic chip to fool the stb, into thinking that all codes are fta channels
PIC chips or any other chips do not work in a digibox. Only specially manufactured chips made by NDS work and as yet no-one has been able to emulate. In theory it should be possible, but the complexed nature of the special routines makes it almost impossible. <img src="frown.gif" border="0">

Then obviously it doesn't end there. Once you fool the box into thinking the cards ok, you then gotta start making it think your fake coding is ok.

I'm not trying to put any idea's down, because they are good idea's, just trying to explain why it's not yet acheived. <img src="smile.gif" border="0">