Photographer Arrested in Accrington.

Who the fook goes to Accrington town centre to test a new camera, you could do that in your back garden.

It helps if you read the original article emarald.

"He and his friend were taking photographs of Christmas festivities on 19 December, after attending a photography exhibition. The last images on his camera before he was stopped show a picture of a Santa Claus, people in fancy dress and a pipe band marching through the town."

The rest of your post is just trolling for a reaction, so I'll ignore it.

In fact by doing so we play right in to the terrorists hands by living in fear.

So true. If we allow terrorism to disrupt our daily life in this way and erode our basic freedoms, we may as well admit defeat.
I used to be involved with a swimming club. Taking pictures of kids in that environment was strictly controlled... that makes sense, but a school play!!! :grrrr:

You have obviously never seen a topless Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus then. I will never go to Fulchester primary again! Disgusting.
@ nada & hoppy ...

dont be so single minded. the guy COULD be planing a kidnap, robery...he COULD be doing anything. he obvesly wasnt doing nothing wrong, however if he was acting suspicious to the police eyes what is the problem in giving his name so they can check him out?
They would probably see that the guy is clean and out he go with no trouble.

I dont come from this country, and you should be greatful and please because this country is one of the few that can control the streets without the use of guns. how? the keep close eyes on everything and everybody YOU can have peace of mind and walk with no worries just like you want ...

i am not denying that something they get wrong big time...but this time the guy acted like a tw@t!
but beign unwilling to tell a police officer his name could be considdered suspiciouse
Police are damned if they do and damned if they dont. Ok they didnt handle this very well at all to say the least and like I said the police involved needed to be reprimanded or trained since it seems they were caught off guard by someone with a bit of knowledge and started to sound like they were making it up.

But, is there harm in giving your details to them? Do they keep it after doing their checks? I really dont know. I assume not.

But, just supposed that they were indeed up to no good. I dont know - say they were planning to plant a nail bomb or something. It goes off, men, women and kids get killed.

What happens then? You'd have everyone asking why they weren't stopped given that there were police on the scene and it was "obvious" that they were acting "suspiciously". You'd then get calls to train the police to spot this things and asking people to be more vigilant.

Whilst I agree that it does cause a nuisance to be asked for details and 99% of the time it may not come to anything - its that 1% chance of catching someone and saving many lives that surely must be the priority right?
Who the fook goes to Accrington town centre to test a new camera, you could do that in your back garden.
He was out baiting the old bill to try and make a name for himself,what was so wrong about giving your name and going on with what you were doing.
They should have arrested the stupid cnut and kicked the crap out of him, teach the twat a lesson.
Can not believe some of you did not see this as a set up.

I agree with you m8, i looked at this last night and held back from posting to see where the popular bandwagon would go.

have to ask yourself

Why does he know so much about his rights? ( did he research it prior to going out)

HOw did he know to start quoting the polis hand book? ( what articulable reason or what ever he said)

Why in the video did he not want to be shown?

sorry but i think these guys knew what they were doing and like said goating the polis.

What i would like to know how where they taking pics for the polis to take notice? We dont see that or hear what made them stand out.

The full story is not being told here

however i do agree there are loads of over zealous coppers and ppl should know their rights but that video for me seemed to convienent for the photographers.
I agree with you m8, i looked at this last night and held back from posting to see where the popular bandwagon would go.

have to ask yourself

Why does he know so much about his rights? ( did he research it prior to going out)

HOw did he know to start quoting the polis hand book? ( what articulable reason or what ever he said)

Why in the video did he not want to be shown?

sorry but i think these guys knew what they were doing and like said goating the polis.

What i would like to know how where they taking pics for the polis to take notice? We dont see that or hear what made them stand out.

The full story is not being told here

however i do agree there are loads of over zealous coppers and ppl should know their rights but that video for me seemed to convienent for the photographers.

Agreed 100% setup all rehearsed, and some fell for it hook,line and sinker
I was driivng home from work today and got stopped by the police at a police checkpoint (true story, I never thought anything of it until I seen this thread). I was asked for my name, where I was coming from, where I was going and had I any ID. I said sure have m8, heres my driving licence and answered his questions, I also said its like the old days and he just smiled and said thats fine Sir, have a safe journey.

I could have said no ID, not giving you any info BUT I would have been there for ages, what would be the point, the guy was only doing a job (we have had car bombs again yesterday and a few bomb scares today).

A different scenario I know but although I still believe we live in a nany state, having watched it again, it could have been a set up and someone wanting to make a name for themselves and make a fool of the police BUT the police should know these things by now and just watched them and took no action.

Also...the fact that someone complained about them taking photo's of a Christmas parade seems trivial.
Jaffa makes an interesting point.

Apart from the silly comment I made I have not commented yet (I was in a daft mood yesterday). I am unsure about this.

I hate to say it (oh really I do), but I in part agree with Emarald. I feel as though there is more to this than meets the eye myself. The arrested guy is oddly prepared for the conversation in the sense of knowledge and linguistic prowess. It feels staged.

Now regardless of that point, there is still an issue with the correct line between civil rights and security.

Nara and Hoppy make an interesting argument about how civil liberties are being breached by police misusing the terror act and anti-social behaviour legislation.

Really, how much is it an infringement of liberty to give your details to a police officer? I have personally gave mine a few times, and have been dealt with in a reasonable and personable way.

This incident seems to have been sparked by a loose interpretation of recent anti-terrorism law, and the wish to save face by the officers in question, and the intractable nature of the person being questioned. On a couple of occasions the incident could have been diffused by both sides quite easily.

Was it daft? Yes. Should the police act more intelligently to try detect terrorist activity? yes. Did they shoe-horn section 2 into the incident to make an arrest to save face? Yes.

But is it a breach of human rights to ask for someones details? No. Would it be reasonable to offer your details and continue with your law abiding day? Yes.

I feel that comparatively, we live in one of the most progressive countries in the world, and have freedoms some people can not imagine. But there is and always will be an unresolvable paradox to guarantee that freedom. To preserve freedom we must create laws that stop people doing things. It is a practicality of public life that we have to compromise personal liberty to preserve a free society.

The key is to get that balance right. Here, the arrested man was not beaten up, tortured, locked up without trial for weeks on end, had his house ransacked, or his family intimidated. He was asked for his name and address.

He did not have his camera taken off him, his video camera smashed or forcibly turned off, he was asked for his details by an officer not wishing to make an arrest. The very same style of community policing most of us long for.

However, I am in complete agreement with Nara's point about hysteria regarding the videoing/picture taking of children, but that is a different issue.

Terrorists use a free society to plan atrocities. We can do nothing, or we can do something to try and stop them.

I for one will give my name when asked.
Jaffa makes an interesting point.

Apart from the silly comment I made I have not commented yet (I was in a daft mood yesterday). I am unsure about this.

I hate to say it (oh really I do), but I in part agree with Emarald. I feel as though there is more to this than meets the eye myself. The arrested guy is oddly prepared for the conversation in the sense of knowledge and linguistic prowess. It feels staged.

Now regardless of that point, there is still an issue with the correct line between civil rights and security.

Nara and Hoppy make an interesting argument about how civil liberties are being breached by police misusing the terror act and anti-social behaviour legislation.

Really, how much is it an infringement of liberty to give your details to a police officer? I have personally gave mine a few times, and have been dealt with in a reasonable and personable way.

This incident seems to have been sparked by a loose interpretation of recent anti-terrorism law, and the wish to save face by the officers in question, and the intractable nature of the person being questioned. On a couple of occasions the incident could have been diffused by both sides quite easily.

Was it daft? Yes. Should the police act more intelligently to try detect terrorist activity? yes. Did they shoe-horn section 2 into the incident to make an arrest to save face? Yes.

But is it a breach of human rights to ask for someones details? No. Would it be reasonable to offer your details and continue with your law abiding day? Yes.

I feel that comparatively, we live in one of the most progressive countries in the world, and have freedoms some people can not imagine. But there is and always will be an unresolvable paradox to guarantee that freedom. To preserve freedom we must create laws that stop people doing things. It is a practicality of public life that we have to compromise personal liberty to preserve a free society.

The key is to get that balance right. Here, the arrested man was not beaten up, tortured, locked up without trial for weeks on end, had his house ransacked, or his family intimidated. He was asked for his name and address.

He did not have his camera taken off him, his video camera smashed or forcibly turned off, he was asked for his details by an officer not wishing to make an arrest. The very same style of community policing most of us long for.

However, I am in complete agreement with Nara's point about hysteria regarding the videoing/picture taking of children, but that is a different issue.

Terrorists use a free society to plan atrocities. We can do nothing, or we can do something to try and stop them.

I for one will give my name when asked.

I almost cried :Clap:
There are a lot of grey area posts in this thread and we seem to have lost a bit of direction from the original post.
It was Christmas time and it was a festival and there were many people taking pictures with many photographers.
Ok so the guy was well educated on his rights and i would say he was very calm and collected but i know a lot of people like that, who know their rights and don't like their civil liberties being breached.
Is that a bad thing now?

Yeh i take the point about other country's being far worse but we are talking about Britain here, not other country's and we are dealing with the threat of terrorism which is nothing new in Britain.
So can someone tell me how stopping someone for taking pictures is gonna stop a hardline terrorist who is hell bent for whatever reason in blowing us up?
The whole thing is madness and a step too far imo.

Yeh he could have taken the easy option and gave his details and some people don't have a problem with that and that's your choice.
But what happens when you get stopped for looking suspicious at the bus stop because you are wearing a back pack thats full of old clothes for the charity shop.?
What happens when you get stopped in the town centre because you have been rooted to the same spot for 10min when in actual fact you are waiting for a friend who is running late?
How do you spot a terrorist???????

Going down this route is a step in the wrong way and before you know it you are being stopped a couple of times a week for absolutely nothing and given the fact that Britain has one of the largest cctv coverage in the world its starting to annoy people.
Even if it was staged it highlights the growing problem in our society.....
see...he refused to give his

[ame=]YouTube - How the polish police work?[/ame]
So no Google street view for Accrington then?

There are a lot of grey area posts in this thread and we seem to have lost a bit of direction from the original post.
It was Christmas time and it was a festival and there were many people taking pictures with many photographers.
Ok so the guy was well educated on his rights and i would say he was very calm and collected but i know a lot of people like that, who know their rights and don't like their civil liberties being breached.
Is that a bad thing now?

Yeh i take the point about other country's being far worse but we are talking about Britain here, not other country's and we are dealing with the threat of terrorism which is nothing new in Britain.
So can someone tell me how stopping someone for taking pictures is gonna stop a hardline terrorist who is hell bent for whatever reason in blowing us up?
The whole thing is madness and a step too far imo.

Yeh he could have taken the easy option and gave his details and some people don't have a problem with that and that's your choice.
But what happens when you get stopped for looking suspicious at the bus stop because you are wearing a back pack thats full of old clothes for the charity shop.?
What happens when you get stopped in the town centre because you have been rooted to the same spot for 10min when in actual fact you are waiting for a friend who is running late?
How do you spot a terrorist???????

Going down this route is a step in the wrong way and before you know it you are being stopped a couple of times a week for absolutely nothing and given the fact that Britain has one of the largest cctv coverage in the world its starting to annoy people.
Even if it was staged it highlights the growing problem in our society.....

Spot on Hoppy.
once again this BS is down to the government

if they tightened up the borders 10 years ago we would not be in this position now
You don't have to give your name if you have done nothing wrong, that is our right, end of!!
No complaint had been made from the general public so why should he give his name??

First time a community copper approaches them and with minimal training hasn't got a clue what she's on about, she then obviously goes to her superior to have a go but she hasn't got a leg to stand on either, so she goes up in rank and like mozr say's he shoehorn's in section 2 to make and arrest and save face. It's ridiculous.

Doesn't surprise me though because the very few times I've had dealings with the police the've turned out to be lying scum and will do anything to get there number of arrest's up.

Just in case your in doubt this is from the home office site:
Stop and Search | Home Office
You don't have to give your name if you have done nothing wrong, that is our right, end of!!
No complaint had been made from the general public so why should he give his name??

First time a community copper approaches them and with minimal training hasn't got a clue what she's on about, she then obviously goes to her superior to have a go but she hasn't got a leg to stand on either, so she goes up in rank and like mozr say's he shoehorn's in section 2 to make and arrest and save face. It's ridiculous.

Doesn't surprise me though because the very few times I've had dealings with the police the've turned out to be lying scum and will do anything to get there number of arrest's up.

Just in case your in doubt this is from the home office site:
Stop and Search | Home Office

Had a look at that link fella and i was pretty suprised tbh.
I didn't like the fact that if they don't find anything on you and let you go,you are still monitored..
Whats that all about..