Photographer Arrested in Accrington.

That is absolutely shocking.... makes my piss boil !!!!!

This Country is a fooking joke
so were the police "right" and nothing can be done about them then even though it has been caught on film? Does the guy now have a record????

It was obvious that the police in the end tried to say anything to justify themselves when they realised the guy knew his rights...

Having said that - looking at it from another point of view - does it hurt to give your details? What if the guy was taking pictures of kids? I guess he wouldnt want to show what he was taking given the fact he didnt want to give his details...
What if the guy was taking pictures of kids?

I take pictures of adults. I take pictures of kids. I take pictures of animals. I take pictures of scenery.

I'm sorry, but your post reflects the paranoia of the society in which we now live.
I'm sorry, but your post reflects the paranoia of the society in which we now live.
Totally agree with you bud....

This is the reason I am now unable to make video or take pictures of my kids at any school plays or any event is absolutely rediculous
This is one of those things that really fooks me off with this country just now.
You get questioned for taking innocent pictures yet there is a cctv camera on every street corner.
Are we gonna end up like America were everything is a matter of national security and lets all live in fear and paranoia.
I admire the guy for keeping his cool and im pretty sure if it was me i would be carted to jail as i would have told her to piss off and go and catch some real crooks.
God help us if they arm the police in this country...
I take pictures of adults. I take pictures of kids. I take pictures of animals. I take pictures of scenery.

I'm sorry, but your post reflects the paranoia of the society in which we now live.

I was merely trying to look at it from the other point of view - doesnt mean I agree with it. Its always good to try and see it from both sides to try and understand things.

I totally agree with the paranoia thing. I was angry I couldnt take a video of my son doing his first Christmas scene but I also understood the reason why.
Things will get worse and worse, with more restrictions and liberties being taken away from the ordinary folk, fuelled by scaremongering and so called pandemics, terrorist threats and id cards.

but I also understood the reason why.

Did you? Millions of us don't. The idea that taking pictures of kids in a Nativity play is somehow 'dangerous', is the stuff of madness as far as I'm concerned.

I used to be involved with a swimming club. Taking pictures of kids in that environment was strictly controlled... that makes sense, but a school play!!! :grrrr:
Did you? Millions of us don't.

The reason given is that those who have or look after kids are not always what you call safe. Take for example Vanessa George. Everybody who knew her said they couldnt believe it, would have trusted their kids with them etc. With regards to the nativity, it was a case of fu*kin pedos (who should have their balls minced-fixed-and minced *1000e) having cameras and zooming into kids private areas.

Again just to re-iterate, I dont agree with it since I think that its punishing the majority for the actions of a sick few but I do understand why they do it.
We live in a nanny state, you all know that. What you have to remember is the people passing these laws or at least thinking them up are voted in by the people. If you feel so strongly against it then tell your MP, if he/she continues to defy what you ask, then don't vote vote for them next time.

Politicans know you wont always agree with them and that you will vote on what you think is the best overall package so if you dont agree with these silly laws they tell them.

I live in a country where it used to be you voted Orange or Green, still is but trust me, I would have no hesitation in threating my MP with voting for another party if they didn't work for me. I have in the past told them that before and I will continue to do it.

Sorry for going slightly off topic, as for the OP, its just down right daft, the 1st one didn;t know if she was right or wrong so got on the blower to the 2nd, who didn't know either so got on the blower to the 3rd, who used a loophole to arrest them. Bunch of bloomin twats.

Common sense will only prevail when the people force it.
Ok. Here is the thing...there is a lot of weird people out there blowing up cars, buses and alsos sorts of things, terrorists in general.

The only thing the officer wanted was his name to check him out and see if he had similar problems before, if not (and that was the case) he would be in his way if no problem. But because he refused of course they got suspecious about him.

imagine this scenario...he in fact is a terrorist and couple of weeks later he blows somthing up in that area and kill 100's and the cctv sees that couple weeks before he was studing the area taking photos and stuff. what would you say? "why they didnt stop him, police are not tough enough"

is it so wrong to a officer exercise his duty promptly? whats is the problem in giving your name just for a quick check?

is not about how polite he is/was. there is criminal out there using suit. you never know who you are dealing with.

Police some times get it wrong but in this particular case the guy was being stubborn. Police don't know who you are or what you are capable of until they KNOW WHO YOU ARE. and this can only be done if you give your freaking name!
i see both points of view on this topic. i myself have been stopped by the police a few times ( must look dodgy ) and have been asked my name and address. a couple of the times i have been stopped, i have given it to them , i know i didnt have to but dont considder it all that important i have nothing to hide. all it was was an inconveniance but i would like to think that if the police could stop someone with insidiouse intentions that they would so how would they find out about the person without asking.
Ok. Here is the thing...there is a lot of weird people out there blowing up cars, buses and alsos sorts of things, terrorists in general.

The only thing the officer wanted was his name to check him out and see if he had similar problems before, if not (and that was the case) he would be in his way if no problem. But because he refused of course they got suspecious about him.

imagine this scenario...he in fact is a terrorist and couple of weeks later he blows somthing up in that area and kill 100's and the cctv sees that couple weeks before he was studing the area taking photos and stuff. what would you say? "why they didnt stop him, police are not tough enough"

is it so wrong to a officer exercise his duty promptly? whats is the problem in giving your name just for a quick check?

is not about how polite he is/was. there is criminal out there using suit. you never know who you are dealing with.

Police some times get it wrong but in this particular case the guy was being stubborn. Police don't know who you are or what you are capable of until they KNOW WHO YOU ARE. and this can only be done if you give your freaking name!

Sorry mate but i dont take your point at all.
I would be stubborn aswell and if we get into this paranoid way of thinking then its the start of a downward hill.

Terrorist attacks are rare and if they are gonna happen then they will happen and checking people in the street for taking pictures wont make any difference.
Infact by doing so we play right in to the terrorists hands by living in fear.
Our rights are being eroded bit by bit. Busy body Women coppers, fucking worst. Hope he sue's for wrongful arrest.

Just to add..two white males with thick yorkshire accents, hardly your terrorists type. She may as well as come out and and said "I think you're a pair of pedeo's and I want to see your tape". Cheeky bitch pig!
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Who the fook goes to Accrington town centre to test a new camera, you could do that in your back garden.
He was out baiting the old bill to try and make a name for himself,what was so wrong about giving your name and going on with what you were doing.
They should have arrested the stupid cnut and kicked the crap out of him, teach the twat a lesson.
Can not believe some of you did not see this as a set up.
Who the fook goes to Accrington town centre to test a new camera, you could do that in your back garden.
He was out baiting the old bill to try and make a name for himself,what was so wrong about giving your name and going on with what you were doing.
They should have arrested the stupid cnut and kicked the crap out of him, teach the twat a lesson.
Can not believe some of you did not see this as a set up.

you have a point of what he was takeing photos of and giving his name but even i think kicking the crap out of him would be a bit much.
Sorry mate but i dont take your point at all.
I would be stubborn aswell and if we get into this paranoid way of thinking then its the start of a downward hill.

Terrorist attacks are rare and if they are gonna happen then they will happen and checking people in the street for taking pictures wont make any difference.
Infact by doing so we play right in to the terrorists hands by living in fear.

lets agree to disagree :)