Persianempire image for tm-twin.


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Just seen this new image posted on wos. Downloaded it before its pulled for any reason. The link is good, not tested as I don't have my box with me just yet. Only report i've seen is cannot get past splash screen.

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OE 1.6 (old kernel)
Installed it on my TM TWIN, unfortunately it won't boot, basically it starts up with the persian image splash image then goes to a green screen, obviously there is a problem with the bootloader, shame!!!
theres no bootloader included in the image itself, so it probably needs 'rolling back' to an earlier bootloader in order for it to work
PERSIAN EMPIRE!?!?! It's the Iranian's giving payback! Your box and PC is now infected with Stuxnet ;)
I'm Bored of Technomate, man is just hell to get a decent image running and Richard is an a*s, I think i'm going to sell it and buy a VU+ duo or wait for the DUO2.
Thx guys for your help.

Does anyone know how to get hold of the Openvix 3 for the twin?