paypal scam


Inactive User
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
beware of this scam -especially if your new to ebay as it looks legit,
last week i auctioned a phone ,when it was finished i noticed the highest bidder had zero feedback so i emailed them straight away as i had put in the auction no zero feedbacks and payment must be made 1 hour after auction ends (i always do this and it works)with paypal,i recieved an email from paypal saying the transaction was waiting clearance,10 mins later i recieved another saying payment will be cleared once i send the postage tracking number for the item,both emails looked like they came from paypal but i had never known paypal transactions to be done this way,so i contacted paypal and yes it was a scam.PLEASE BE CAREFUL AS THE EMAILS LOOKED LIKE THEY CAME FROM PAYPAL .REMEMBER TO LOG INTO PAYPAL THROUGH EBAY OR PAYPAL.COM AND CHECK TRANSACTIONS BEFORE SENDING ANYTHING.
thx for sharing mate, i am sure there are quite a few of us here who do a bit of seeling on escum ;)