Parent Governor Role in Schools to be Scrapped


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Dec 10, 2006
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Still Lost and Looking for a Better Place.
As well as attempting to turn all schools into Academies, the Government also intend to scrap Parent Governors from School Governing bodies and replace them with "Professionals with the right skills".
Until now there have been places reserved for elected parents on school governing bodies, but under plans outlined o the latest Education White Paper these positions will disappear and they will be replaced by Professionals.

Parent governor role to be scrapped in schools shakeup | Education | The Guardian

So more new jobs for the rich boys and a move towards making a decent education available only for the privileged few, and ensuring that the man on the street has no say in what is happening. We are quickly returning to pre Victorian times and standards, the return of the Poor House will surely follow soon.
The Work house to be launched any time now, probably sneaked into law,(buried in the small print), in his next "budget". :(
So why can't they train up suitable, responsible parents for this job instead of some pompous old Tory school Mistress/Master running the show?. That would keep the cost down. It would also get the parents more involved with school activities and how the school is run. It would also save Cameron and his jollies a bundle of money by not hiring a load of over qualified staff for this role.