pace 1000 still on cr1 force update?


Inactive User
Mar 14, 2006
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someone just given me a pace 1000 box they found in there house, i had a look at it and the net id needed setting so i did this no probs with libby and got it up and running. i then made a fun card its seems to be working fine at decoding all the channels. the only problem is its stuck on a really old software version. i have tried forcing an update using the standby 4321 method but it doesnt do anything. the box has cable & wireless written on the front of it and im in a pure area in glasgow im just wondering is there anyway to force an update? also where any of the areas in glasgow ever cable and wireless and could i take it too a friends to see if it would update? any help is appreciated
ah well i suppose if its working il leave but just out of interest whats an anti update mod?