** Our thoughts are with Lomana Lua Lua**


Inactive User
Mar 24, 2005
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It has been confirmed that Lomana Lua Lua 18 month son has passed away today.

Our thoughts are with Lua Lua at this difficult time as it was confirmed that his eighteen month year old son has passed away. This is a devastating story and I’m sure everyone’s thoughts are with Lua and his family.

Kam71 said:
It has been confirmed that Lomana Lua Lua 18 month son has passed away today.

Our thoughts are with Lua Lua at this difficult time as it was confirmed that his eighteen month year old son has passed away. This is a devastating story and I’m sure everyone’s thoughts are with Lua and his family.


Have you read the article Kam?

Dont know if its true or not
i heard somewhere that lua lua was not told about the death of kid until after congo got knocked because congo feared that it would take his mind of the game.
that is disgraceful if its true
Tottenham finally win a trophy. LMAO thats one more trophy than arsenal are going to win this season.