Orange Extras


DW Regular ++
Sep 29, 2009
Reaction score
Can anyone explain...
I'm with Orange and out of contract, looking to stay with orange but upgrade my phone and change my current plan.
Although I going for a package i.e. cross network mins, texts, internet.
What is the difference between the internet (which I can get access to my email accounts) and unlimited email?
I'm going to get an android phone which I'm sure there is a downloadable app for push email which would be internet usage so why would anyone pay for unlimited email?:err:
i think its the dolphin packages that you would need for the better packages also i dunno if this is store specific but when my misus went to get her upgrade at the weekend she got 25% off her monthly line rental for buying and subbing to a 1 month broadband dongle with orange which she could cancel the next day and keep the 25% off :)
I've been told that having unlimited Email does not use any of your internet allowance, although a standard Emails does not use much mb, there's always a chance you will go over your internet allowance especially when you download apps to your phone. Any internet usage over your allowance will be charged an extra £1 for each day out of your plan.

I got myself a Motorola Atrix for free on Dolphin 20 (200 cross network mins, unlimited texts, unlimited Emails & 250mb internet), you can get the same deal only on their website.
I believe all price plans has changed instore as of 07th September, the price plans have gone up/mins, texts, internet allowance has gone down and contracts are now 24 months instead of 18:arrrr: