Open Pli Image Question


Inactive User
Mar 27, 2010
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I know the TM800 arent released yet, but this is a general question concerning the Open Pli Image that is on these things. Does the Pli Image come with a decent 7 Day EPG on it at all like the recent Nabilosat one does?? Its to keep the other half quiet, she could use my dreambox until i got the nabilosat epg on it :) it drove her nuts
wow a hundred and 15 views and not one reply :Clap: thanks for all your help :banana:
the pli team were one of the first to release a working epg as part of their image, and as far as i know, its been in the CVS for every image ever since
There epg is very good , i would use pli image but they have yet to release a upto date image for a while now , openpli for me seems to unstable to use every day :( .
just seem to crash a freeze up more often than my Dream Elite image , Cccam2.1.4 was glitchy also , plus some of the skins are buggy as hell leading to grean screen with me .
I have the pli image on my VU+ Duo very stable cccam works flawless got the epg running fine no crashing great HD pic would recommend!!!!!!!!:Clap::Clap::Clap:
wow a hundred and 15 views and not one reply :Clap: thanks for all your help :banana:

Urrm, you said yourself that it's not released yet.

Were we supposed to make something up and reply ro you?

We'll tell you once we have one. :)