open pli epg not downloading!

vix is nice image but yet new image again vix helios /vix zeus/and now vix Apollo will this one get to 13

Are they much different m8 or is it a lower level were it can't be seen?

Sent from my 1080P-N003 using Tapatalk
openatv and vix both work in the same way for me atv just like it more openatv just works nice
openatv and vix both work in the same way for me atv just like it more openatv just works nice

I meant between the newer versions of vix m8 :)

Sent from my 1080P-N003 using Tapatalk
I meant between the newer versions of vix m8 :)

Sent from my 1080P-N003 using Tapatalk

between the newer versions of vix can't tell difference

As with OpenViX Zeus the main difference is core of the image or the OE (Open Embedded), this has undergone a lot of changes, updates and fixes (including fixes for the heartbleed bug in openssl). As a user you should not notice any differences between OpenViX Helios and OpenViX Apollo. (i.e. there are no real functional differences.)

OpenViX Helios build 017 will be the final build in the Helios series, and so Apollo takes over the reins.

But why a new image so soon, you just launched Helios?

Basically the recent update of the image OE (Open Embedded) to v 2.2, was very significant. This contains substantial changes and updates that mean you cannot use the online update feature from OpenViX Zeus build 023. Rather than asking users not to use the online update function, we have taken the step of changing the image name to ensure that users perform a fresh flash.
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