old hacks you used to do.....

Old water meters only run to 999 cu M, so if you get a burst inlet and find out too late and are looking at a big next bill, first fix the leak and then run a tap to get the water meter around to the previous meter reading and then a bit more. Just make sure you have enough time before the next reading date.
Water meters?? Jeezus use really get robbed in England huh

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They trialled them in Edinburgh for a while, but only for businesses. Guess who's shop had a direct feed from the neighbour's flat after that lol!! No way I was paying for the brown keich that came out those pipes.
A chap I knew (a millionaire though you would never had known) put a padlock on the toilet of a business he ran and told the employees they all had to 'do their business' in one go & flush the bog only once. He also told the window cleaner to fill his bucket up at a res. as their water wasn't metered. (Little surprise he's a millionaire, eh?)