Off license that delivers


DW Regular
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edinburgh, UK
Has anyone got an off license that delivers near them?

We used to have one in Edinburgh a few years back, but it went the way of the dodo. I know places likew Asda and Tesco will deliver, but you need to book a slot etc. Sometimes you just want a few beers but cant be arsed going to the shops for them...
We used to have a few in Liverpool .. not sure if they're still going. They used to have decent prices when they were setting up, once people got to know the number they bumped the prices up.

The best one was a pizza place that used to deliver booze too ;). Their delivery lad used to keep a few crates in the back of his van and sell them when he was delivering food. Come to think of it there wasn't much you couldn't get off that lad .. I bet he made a nice few quid out of it too.
lol, thats what edinburgh needs.

The one we had here went under when people stopped paying the delivery guys - the company was daft enough to let people have accounts...

There is a chinese around here that delivers wine with food, but its beer I am after.
thers a few here (boro) but there well dear, like £30 quid a crate, and they will only deliver to certain areas
dial a drink....up to 4 am here in the toon..... cost like, but when you need another 80 cans at 1.00am comes in well handy...
I,ve not got an Off licence that delivers,more a local chicken and chips establishment that supplys me beer in my hour of need.
i run an offlicense and i deliver to customers providing they buy enough stuff

i know wine rack are gonna start home delivery soon