ocr software

To be honest Colin lad I dont think that there is any such thing.
great reply - have you never worked with computers ?
ocr = optical carector recognition ---
it is a scaning software that sorts - letters out - into words etc from scanned images - into actual documents that you can change !!!

textbridge was one example !!!!
Originally posted by COLINWALKER
great reply - have you never worked with computers ?
ocr = optical carector recognition ---
it is a scaning software that sorts - letters out - into words etc from scanned images - into actual documents that you can change !!!

textbridge was one example !!!!
hahahahahah slagging off our top dog p.c expert on the froum lol
if speccy says there is no such thing he most likey means there is no good software for the purpose or any software that stands out as being better than another but give respect where its is due to my darling m8 speccy ......

best bet is to download a trial copy and if you like it download a patch or crack from ear big boy [DLMURL]http://www.cracks.am/cracks/m6.html[/DLMURL]

p.s i here Omnipage is good

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I think that if you ask speccy nicely ( and apologise ) he will upload some software that you might find half decent to his site.
Just let him know what you think is ok and i am sure he will sort you out ! :) ;)
Ps : He knows his stuff and certainaly does'nt hold grudges againts comments by junior members. Please ckeck his previous postings they are very informative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one of the funniest threads in ages.
Go for it Speccy!!!!