non active members


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Ive noticed mainly on Sundays that there ar a lot of members veiwing this area but are inactive around the forum :(
please join in other parts of the forum :) theres loads out there to help u or u to help others ;)

cheers Rat
cheers Rat ,
will have a look around and see if l can help or learn anything.:Cheers:
so is it being inactive in here too? Or that people don't venture outside this particular section?
all over really
Rat said:
Ive noticed mainly on Sundays that there ar a lot of members veiwing this area but are inactive around the forum :(
please join in other parts of the forum :) theres loads out there to help u or u to help others ;)

cheers Rat

yer i noticed them aswell, schlap there asses lol
Myself and Red will be making notes who is active in THIS room today and who is active in the rest od the forum throghout the week ;) and if needed a password change will be done :)
Rat said:
Myself and Red will be making notes who is active in THIS room today and who is active in the rest od the forum throghout the week ;) and if needed a password change will be done :)

just a quickie, shouldnt paid up members be excused from this tho ..

just sticking up 4thum :p
No I don't think just because you've donated that, THAT automatically gives you the right to leach and NOT become an active member of the site..

If we allow that then it is basically saying you can pay to leach without having to be active on the site and that would reduce peoples ability to see other areas of the site and find it interesting and take part.

Lets face it the site is not intended as a one off visit type information site, its an ongoing community utilising the strengths and weaknesses of ALL its members to combine into a pretty knowledgable community with a willingness to help out any other member.

(just my Tuppenceworth)
Tallywadger said:
No I don't think just because you've donated that, THAT automatically gives you the right to leach and NOT become an active member of the site..

If we allow that then it is basically saying you can pay to leach without having to be active on the site and that would reduce peoples ability to see other areas of the site and find it interesting and take part.

Lets face it the site is not intended as a one off visit type information site, its an ongoing community utilising the strengths and weaknesses of ALL its members to combine into a pretty knowledgable community with a willingness to help out any other member.

(just my Tuppenceworth)

well i wasnt expecting a reply like that but i guess you have a valid point there! so basically its pay & play ;) not just grab n leggit lol

the areas that are of interest tom me tho are freebies and here,my dads the one into satellites not me lol and i dont actually like football much so im not gonna start talking anymore about that lol...

but im sure somebody can find an area of interest like ps2 or reply to somebody in need of assistance or a problem..

yup like yourself I usually visit the bargain site first ;-) but I also dip into computer /DVD one, main chat area, freeview and gaming... cable doesn't hold much interest to me as we dont get it here but it is amazing how much extra knowledge you can pick up from parts of the site that you don't know much about and then if you're in an area speaking to a new member you can direct them to someone who can assist them.....

Its all about just being there for others and others being there for you, there are very few sites on the internet that treat especially noobs in such an understanding way and long may it continue!
I dont have satellite or cable so i dont generally venture for info in those sections & they do seem to be the most popular

This site's excellent ,as we all know

it probably needs more people (including myself) to start off more threads ,say, in the sports section which can be fairly quiet
yer right Al! And thats what Rat is trying to do...its a sort of shore up the hole in the dam where the info is being leached away and to refil the dam with a more interesting and varied amount of info ;-)

But the main thing is he has got YOU thinking about the rest of the site and that is what he go on dip a toe in the water of fun and knowledge on this'll get to like it! ;-)

speaking of making new threads i once did , asking how i could chip my ps2 and where to get stuff, nobody replied and that was about 3 months ago, o well pot luck i guess if any1 knew or not. i know its illegal but hey what isnt..

yes this is a very good forum indeed, i do not like s***d*s at all since they removed freeview i think it seriously degraded them.

im sure a few on here are aware i also run a site like this aswell and have done for at least 6 months now but im the sort of person that if i can help out here i do my best, i also get the ball roling on a few things like no yooplay so i make a fuss and post it for everybody else on here once i find out, its stuff like that, that helps everybody in the long run meaning somebody who is a little on top or on the ball.

if i had the full time and attention id actually apply to mod here but i havnt yet.

this site is one of the best long standing forums around and would hate to see it go or lose access! life wouldnt be the same would it lads!!!

heh heh good on ye m8! Now see there might just be someone who knows a good site for chipping PS2's but they don't bother to read the other threads..which again makes Rat's point........ if the people who only come on to one site don't visit other areas...they won't be able to help...yet they may be just the person to have the details of the site you are looking for, hence the more diverse we can spread peeps about the site the more beneficial it will be to everyone on DW!
Tallywadger said:
No I don't think just because you've donated that, THAT automatically gives you the right to leach and NOT become an active member of the site..

If we allow that then it is basically saying you can pay to leach without having to be active on the site and that would reduce peoples ability to see other areas of the site and find it interesting and take part.

Lets face it the site is not intended as a one off visit type information site, its an ongoing community utilising the strengths and weaknesses of ALL its members to combine into a pretty knowledgable community with a willingness to help out any other member.

(just my Tuppenceworth)

As a donated member I find your reply very insulting the standards of the site has dropped I don’t download anything of the site but paid £16 to become member, because the site was fun to be on but if you look at the topics today there are rubbish’ I now find I have serious health problems and the last thing I want to read is your nonsense what next my post are not long enough I joined because was going places but all I read now is how unhappy some members are’ why is this smart arse I for one like football discussion can you tell me where that section is or is it not a members site anymore
donated members can use the xtra use cp ;)
Hibidude I think you should have read your own postscript ( the green bit at the bottom of your post)

I can tell you why several long standing members are unhappy because some people like you have done tend to take a fair point and lambast it without really reading it... therefore you could easily have started a flame war and for what reason??? I too have serious health problems but what has that got to do with this thread?????

You need to chill out a bit m8 this is a FRIENDLY site all I said was that members who have donated should take part in the site...if you have issues with that, you have joined the wrong site!!!!
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do u notice though ,I posted this on the 17th and its not really gained any intersest till SS codes are released lol