Newsagent stole winning £156,000 lottery ticket from pensioner


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Mar 4, 2010
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A newsagent stole a winning lottery ticket taken to her shop by a loyal customer ~ and her husband tried to claim the £156,000 prize.

Newsagent stole winning £156,000 lottery ticket from pensioner - Telegraph

Thieving barstewards to try and con a pensioner like that. Seriously though it makes you wonder how long things like this have been going on for. ffs :Angryfire
yes its terrible what he did, but why not fine him instead of jailing... the poor 10 year old kid who will suffer
A newsagent stole a winning lottery ticket taken to her shop by a loyal customer ~ and her husband tried to claim the £156,000 prize.

Newsagent stole winning £156,000 lottery ticket from pensioner - Telegraph

Thieving barstewards to try and con a pensioner like that. Seriously though it makes you wonder how long things like this have been going on for. ffs :Angryfire

Oh, quite some time I would think.

"Thou shall not covet..." (Exodus 20:17)

yes its terrible what he did, but why not fine him instead of jailing... the poor 10 year old kid who will suffer

Fine him, yes by all means but take the shop off him. ffs would you buy a lottery ticket from there?. They can no longer be trusted in there profession make an example of them and show every shop keeper in the Land that this will not be tolerated. :(
He looks a dodgy fooker, deport him after his sentence
Ive seen it in a shop round here the older folks hand their tickets to the shop owner and say can you check if it's a winner please the shop keeper says no sorry andd keeps the ticket. Whos to say if it really was or wasnt a winner.
Ive seen it in a shop round here the older folks hand their tickets to the shop owner and say can you check if it's a winner please the shop keeper says no sorry andd keeps the ticket. Whos to say if it really was or wasnt a winner.

That is why sargie you need to look in your local paper for lottery results or ask a reliable member of your family or a friend to check your ticket first. Be very wary guys. Advice for our older members TAKE SOMEONE TO THE SHOP WITH YOU. they are out there just waiting to pounce on your expense. :(
As said before he should have his shop taken of him the robbing git hope this image i made gets around the internet as no one deserves to be taken a mug off.Especially a OAP.His prison sentence weren't long enough as his crime was devious and damn right out of order.Look at his dodgy smile the creeping no good f***.

As said before he should have his shop taken of him the robbing git hope this image i made gets around the internet as no one deserves to be taken a mug off.Especially a OAP.His prison sentence weren't long enough as his crime was devious and damn right out of order.Look at his dodgy smile the creeping no good f***.


I like it mate good man and thank you for your concern towards our Elderly friends. Look after them guys nobody else will.
Wait a second guys this is contagious what do we have here?. Is nothing safe.

Oldham shopkeeper tried to cheat customer out of £1 million lottery win | Granada - ITV News

Double check your tickets from now on. Before you go to any shop, and don't be fobbed off by this new con that is going about with rogue shopkeepers.

As HimHer says it has probably been going on for ages, probably only just found because someone at Camelot wondered why the same people seemed to have a lot of winning tickets.
Even if the shop says it's not a winner, I ask for the ticket back.
Wait a second guys this is contagious what do we have here?. Is nothing safe.

Oldham shopkeeper tried to cheat customer out of £1 million lottery win | Granada - ITV News

Double check your tickets from now on. Before you go to any shop, and don't be fobbed off by this new con that is going about with rogue shopkeepers.

Lets hope they deport that coont aswell,ffs, you can see why the Romans built straight roads,sothere would be no corner shops, they had very good foresight.
I myself just never use them.
Lets hope they deport that coont aswell,ffs, you can see why the Romans built straight roads,sothere would be no corner shops, they had very good foresight.
I myself just never use them.

Stick to the main shopping stores emerald you cannot go wrong with them. I hope :(
Lets hope they deport that coont aswell,ffs, you can see why the Romans built straight roads,sothere would be no corner shops, they had very good foresight.
I myself just never use them.

I bet you would have a totally different opinion if the shop keeper was white.
I bet you would have a totally different opinion if the shop keeper was white.

Only the deporting part, we have enough of our own low life fookers here without importing more.