you can switch it off and on via your usercp ... or follow the link at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe.
im going to try to get the member of the week to also add something once a week to the news letter about themselfs etc ... as you can see that was the first absic letter and it was only ment for admins and mods for me to test it ... as the server is now sending 12555 emails and its slowing the site a bit lmao (next weeks will be sent about 3am ish i think )
alot to sort out for it, im very impressed with the new feature
well i dont envy anyone who is doing this i know from my own experience its a hard job composing a news letter so well done all and thanks for all your hard work it is as always appriciated
Got mine to mate, good work, just one question are u going to be adding some more skins as i normally use the SURGE skin, i just wanted to know if u were gonna add them back ?
nice - like the newsletter, however i guess most of the details on there will be mainly useful for those members who don;t log on too regularly - as a lot of the info on there will be known by those of us who visit every day etc.....IS there anything else we could have in the newsletter?
hows about reviews of some sort?!?!? Internet review, movie review or footy review or gaming review. or perhaps top tens of stuff. ....tope ten bargains of the month. Top ten.........blah blah....dunno really just airing a few ideas.