New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Early


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VIP Member
May 2, 2007
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The new Dream Elite 1.0HD image has been released. Also theres a new patched bootloader for SIM 2.01 based Dream 800HD clones that works with new images and drivers, including Dream Elite :) SSL 76D.

Theres also now a new SIM2.01 support forum called after all of Ferarri Teams big talk about their new bootloader..which they havent released yet again..theyve been beaten to release by SIM 2.01 team.

Good to see theres a SIM201 support forum now, after the chineese clone taken over by Ferarri Team..and became crap...

I have added SSL 76D to downloads section, I havent tested it yet...will do later tonight..
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Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Yeah i'm with you there about the clone forum, i'm pretty much hacked off with the Ferrari team now, unfortunate iv'e got two boxes with dam ferrari sim's in them.
Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Ferarri SIMS are probably;s just the attitude they bring with them...Clone forum was a good resource before Ferarri team got involved. I dont see the point in their propoganda. Then they banend RamiMaher who patches most of the new images...he's now ended up supporting SIM2.01 team...

If they had a bootloader solution they should have proved it and released it...they'll probably now try to copy some code from bootloader 76D and make theyre own bootloader.

You could always swap the SIMS for SIM 2,01 SIMS, probably not worth the expense though...Ferarri will release some sort of update...sooner or later. Unless they completely drop DM800HD clone support in favour of the DM500HD clone...which wouldnt surprise me.

SIM 2.01 have to keep supporting DM800HD clones for the immeadite future they've juct released Rev M tuners and the "DM800HD Pro" which they need to generate sales it should ensure support for a while longer...
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Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Yeah the sim's and there boxes are ok i'm just hacked off with there attidute towards people who have possibly spent hundereds of pounds buying Ferrari based products, and i hate the way the clone foum has gone since all this shit started. I think they will stop support for the 800 as they are allready telling people not to buy them, instead buy there new 500hd, thats comin out. I got banned from the clone forum for speaking my mind about them not releasing their new bootloader when they claimed to have it, but like you i'm very sceptical of them actually having a ssl ready, till they copy the sim 2.01 teams version. It's a total joke over there now if anyone says they don't have a ferrari sim they will not help them, the boxes are going to have the same faults no matter what kind of sim is in them. i can't understand how childish they have become.
Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Ferrari BL 78F is now ready, have not tested yet but supposedly works with all new images.
Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Ferrari BL 78F is now ready, have not tested yet but supposedly works with all new images.

Yes Ferarri 78FF is released..funny how they didnt actually release the password for the rar file they posted 2 months ago claiming that they the solution...but wont release it..Theyve mysteriously released it 1 day afer SIM 2.01 76D. probably because the original .rar file is a fake..

Sounds like they never had a solution...they tried to bluff SIM 2.01 into releasing a solution so they can copy it and make theyre own solution...Historically SIM 2.01 has always been 1st to release patches and bootloader solutions like 76 A/B/C/D note how Ferarri always releases afterwards...
Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

Yes Ferarri 78FF is released..funny how they didnt actually release the password for the rar file they posted 2 months ago claiming that they the solution...but wont release it..Theyve mysteriously released it 1 day afer SIM 2.01 76D. probably because the original .rar file is a fake..

Sounds like they never had a solution...they tried to bluff SIM 2.01 into releasing a solution so they can copy it and make theyre own solution...Historically SIM 2.01 has always been 1st to release patches and bootloader solutions like 76 A/B/C/D note how Ferarri always releases afterwards...

Yeah, i'm with you there, i wondered why they never gave the password, strange.
Re: New Dream Elite 1.0 HD Released and SIM2.01 New Bootloader 76D Xmas has come Earl

What about one for us with real ones ?

Original DM800 owners are good to go anyway...just download the original image Dream Elite HD 1.0 image from the official Dream Elite forum. Flash as normal,

I have been hearing that the exisiting Black Hole image is better though...a few complaints going around about the new image...EDG Nemesis base is not as popular the old Nabilo Black Hole base..

EPG was apparently better on BH images as well...Cross EPG on EDG images is not as good...