new creatine

I like the boring old Creatine Monohydrate, no frills there :).

Thought I was getting a right bargain when I bought two tubs of some fruit punch type in Holland & Barrett, £5 on sale. Got them home and seen that they are 32g of Dextrose per serving. They might be useful for something I suppose.
ive just startin these ones..seems easyier than when i took creatine before..theres loads off good reviews about these


Creatine is unstable in liquids and converts to the useless byproduct creatinine, causing such documented side effects as bloating and cramping. This happens because creatine’s pH level is too low. However, Kr-EVOLUTION is 100% stable because of the way it’s manufactured. It uses patented pH-Correct “buffering” technology that raises its pH level to 12, the critical “non-conversion” zone.

With Kr-EVOLUTION there is no loading, no cycling and no side effects, this 100% stable creatine that gives you immediate results and saves you money because you need to use less. In fact, most athletes only need 1-3 grams a day to achieve results equal to or better than all other unstable creatine products.

This is the number one product for size and strength used by athletes all over the world. Clinical research has proven that creatine increases your ability to restore your muscles with the nutrients needed for maximum growth. Creatine is what your body uses to produce your most immediate fuel source, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate! When lifting, your body uses ATP to flex a muscle, the body reaches failure long before your muscle actually fails due to running out of ATP. Your body must then rebuild ATP (which takes recovery time). When the body is saturated with Creatine, it recovers sooner and will actually be producing ATP as it’s burned up! This allows you to have stronger, much more intense workouts. Kr-EVOLUTION is the way to supercharge your ATP levels and grow, recover and perform. Plus, Extremes new patent proves there are no side affects