CD & DVD Nero Official

And heres yer Key.

Tried uploading it to members tools but no sign of it. I dont want to get into trouble for saying this but but here goes.

The functionality side to this site has gone right down the pan and has been sluggish, lumpy and quirky for some time now. Nothing seems to run smoothly on it anymore. Problems with replies, new posts, uploads, blank pages. Another thing I find a bit frustrating is that there is no cursor in the post window. Makes it difficult for editing. There, Ive said it so you can spank me now Massa Mickey.
Thanks to damage and speccy. :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:

I have to agree reluctantly with most of your comments speccy. Lets hope some more tinkering will sort things out.
Thanks speccy and damage works a treat,you were right damage what a fast download..........cheers boys........zooropa:Clap: :Clap:
not spanking no one, dont know where you have been

and all comments are valid the site seems ok for me i do have the blank pages and reply mysql errors but i just press refresh and it sorts them errors out ??? :)

and the download section on the portal is known to have bugs ... by the creators its a beta software and me trying to make it the best i have to sometimes use beta software im very sorry for any difficulties you are having and i dont mean them to happen sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth guys!

and due to the server hosted in the usa sometimes its gonna be a bit "sluggish" and there are lots of hacks i use on this site and the quieries that each page makes will be more cause the site is more feature packed.

again im very sorry you feel that way but until any future improvements in the software i use it will be like this for a while (not to long) until i have the time to install the newest vbulletin and all the hacks i have used (30 odd) :(
its a waste of time updateing every time i am on 5.5.80 i just update yearly as nero seem to add something new every few weeks so as long as the version you are useing works for all you require it to do then i think there is not to much point in upgradeing every time ;)