MUST READ! Shooting Stars Set To Light Up UK Night Sky


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Jan 21, 2008
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More than 100 shooting stars per hour could streak across the sky tonight in one of the year's most dramatic meteor showers

The Geminid shower is one of the most anticipated sights on astronomers' calendars and is expected to peak at midnight tonight.

Forecasts show that people in the South and North West should get a cloudless view of the stars and the new Moon, coming two days later, should not interfere with visibility.

Dr Claire Bretherton, from Royal Observatory Greenwich, said: "The Geminid shower moves quite slowly so it will give people a chance to see anywhere between 120 and 160 meteors an hour.

"It's often easier to spot the stars in the early hours of the morning."

The paths of Geminid meteors appear to point back to a spot near the bright stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini, giving the shower its name.

Meteors, also called shooting stars, are the result of small particles entering the Earth's atmosphere.

As they speed towards earth they release a trail of light that quickly fades as the meteo

Shooting Stars Set To Light Up UK Night Sky - Yahoo! News UK

More than 100 shooting stars per hour could streak across the sky tonight in one of the year's most dramatic meteor showers

The Geminid shower is one of the most anticipated sights on astronomers' calendars and is expected to peak at midnight tonight.

Forecasts show that people in the South and North West should get a cloudless view of the stars and the new Moon, coming two days later, should not interfere with visibility.

Dr Claire Bretherton, from Royal Observatory Greenwich, said: "The Geminid shower moves quite slowly so it will give people a chance to see anywhere between 120 and 160 meteors an hour.

"It's often easier to spot the stars in the early hours of the morning."

The paths of Geminid meteors appear to point back to a spot near the bright stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini, giving the shower its name.

Meteors, also called shooting stars, are the result of small particles entering the Earth's atmosphere.

As they speed towards earth they release a trail of light that quickly fades as the meteo

Shooting Stars Set To Light Up UK Night Sky - Yahoo! News UK


which way do we look and dont say up lol north east south west???
havent seen the sky in a few days. its been foggy as hell here for a few days now.
Any further info would be appreciated fireblade, I look forward to this.
Shooting Stars Set To Light Up UK Night Sky

6:04pm UK, Sunday December 13, 2009

Michelle May, North of England correspondent
More than 100 shooting stars per hour could streak across the sky overnight in one of the year's most dramatic meteor showers.

The Geminid meteors are one of the most anticipated sights on astronomers' calendars and are expected to peak around midnight.

Professor Ian Morison, an astronomer at Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, told Sky News that they can easily be seen without a telescope.

"Ideally get as far away as you can from towns and cities into the countryside and look 45 degrees up to the south east.

"You should see them moving across the sky at a rate of around one per minute. If you're lucky you may see more."

Forecasts show that people in the south and north-west of England should get a cloudless view of the meteors with little moonlight, just two days before a new moon.

Most meteor showers come from comets but the Geminids are unusual, arising from debris released from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon.

Meteors, also called shooting stars, are visible as the debris leave a trail of light as they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

Astronomers have also announced the discovery of three new planets found orbiting a star that is almost identical to the sun.

The planets, forming a mini-solar system, circle the star 61 Virginis, which can be seen with the naked eye.

"This discovery is significant because the system resembles our own, with planets only slightly larger than the Earth, so there may be smaller planets out there that are potentially suitable for life," Professor Morison said.

A fourth planet has also been found orbiting another sun-like star 84 light years away.

hopefully some of you guys should see them :)

Shooting Stars Set To Light Up UK Night Sky

6:04pm UK, Sunday December 13, 2009

Michelle May, North of England correspondent
More than 100 shooting stars per hour could streak across the sky overnight in one of the year's most dramatic meteor showers.

The Geminid meteors are one of the most anticipated sights on astronomers' calendars and are expected to peak around midnight.

Professor Ian Morison, an astronomer at Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, told Sky News that they can easily be seen without a telescope.

"Ideally get as far away as you can from towns and cities into the countryside and look 45 degrees up to the south east.

"You should see them moving across the sky at a rate of around one per minute. If you're lucky you may see more."

Forecasts show that people in the south and north-west of England should get a cloudless view of the meteors with little moonlight, just two days before a new moon.

Most meteor showers come from comets but the Geminids are unusual, arising from debris released from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon.

Meteors, also called shooting stars, are visible as the debris leave a trail of light as they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

Astronomers have also announced the discovery of three new planets found orbiting a star that is almost identical to the sun.

The planets, forming a mini-solar system, circle the star 61 Virginis, which can be seen with the naked eye.

"This discovery is significant because the system resembles our own, with planets only slightly larger than the Earth, so there may be smaller planets out there that are potentially suitable for life," Professor Morison said.

A fourth planet has also been found orbiting another sun-like star 84 light years away.

hopefully some of you guys should see them :)


cheers mate, my house is on top of a valley so i get a mint view!!

just need to find south east now lol

does the sun rise east to west or summit? lol

just been outside for 30 mins. Clear as a bell down here in Hampshire. Saw 10 really bright ones..... Too fecking cold for me.... Been standing outside in my boxers and a teeshirt... I must be bloody mad!!!

Why cant these things happen at 9.00.......
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Too cloudy... Shame really... Never see out like this.. Even ducked out on the total eclipse...
That was an awesome night, thanks for the tipoff fireblade!

Skies were crystal clear in the SE and it was one of the best comet shows I have ever seen.