

VIP Member
VIP Member
hi guys is there anyway to just add this channel i have it on my box as got the latest sevice file for my area but i done a box for my mate and he doesnt have a computer so i was wondering if he could add thechannel in manually or id need to go pick up the box and take it away and ftp the service file.he doesnt want to run a scan coz the last time when rangers and celtic tv was added he ran a scan and lost ppv so i had to ftp the service file for him.
AnD you can find out the frequency you need by looking at your services.xml file on your PC....
I wanted to add more4, I did'nt want to scan and lose all my boquets (the only way a scan works for me is If I over right existing boquets) I ended up scanning and more4 was added but I have now put my original boquet file back on (without more4) so my question really is how do I put it on. I have the more4 frequency and id ect.. but how do I go about adding it? I Cant find a thread that gives any info.
Cheers Guys,
If the channel is included in your services.xml you should see the channel in your "others" bouqet. Use the bouqet editor in the service menue and add the channel the bouqet you want.