Meat'eds in prison.


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2004
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Seen the meat'eds you get in prison, like on the shows on TV? They seem to be big & well toned and I can't imagine their diet is that good of they have access to protein shakes!

Anyway, incase anyone here is going down, I found this for you today.

Improvising your Training in Prison
This was a joke, btw, lol...

But there are some interesting tips in there. Wouldn't mind, but you would have to be doing time for something serious for the prison not to have a gym in!! My ex-boss has Sky TV, gym membership and IT courses...
yeah I remember watching a good documentary about training in the high security American prisons - think it was on National Geo channel.

It was amazing how the prison politics, gang politics and racial politics effected everything - even how they trained and the sort of exercises they did.

Like for example they would always weight train in groups because anyone weight training alone was open to being stabbed or attacked, and each racial group had their own section of the rec yard.

My gym ain't luxurious but at least I don't have to worry about being shanked when I'm on the pull-up bar or having the barbell 'accidentally' dropped on my neck when I'm bench pressing! lol