Me dish


VIP Member
May 27, 2001
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Been to Rat's, have rash to prove it ;)
Ok so putting the fooker on chimmley is out the question, looks like I am going to have to put the sly dish back on the chimmley instead and get one of those switch type device's to flick between dish's.

But here's a question, what sort of angle do these sats beam from if you know what I mean, the dish is on the front of the house pointing south but is only around 15 foot away from the house, but what if I put the dish on the north side of the house and pointed it south, it would be further away from trees but would the rack of the roof stop the signal as well ?

I think it will just someone surgested otherwise so I thought I would sound it out to you guys see what you thought.
sky is 'fairly' low compared with some sats, soit would mean you would have to get the dish quite high to be abl to see over your house. Its hard to say without looking at the site. I dont know your problems so not 100% sure, but didnt you put your motorised dish on a long pole that was fixed on the back (north side) of your house? What is the situation with the chimney, why can a dish not go there?
There must be other options for you. I've had 'impossible job' situations and you just have to invent something. What about fixing a bracket to the bottom of your chimney that has a long pole hanging down across your tiles, then that is fixed to a tri-pod with cement for weight on each leg, & the tri-pod holding your motorised dish in a place on your roof that see all of the sky?
There must be a possible solution, maybe get some photos on here so we can take a good look.
The ****cil are ment to be phoning back today, let's see if I can change their minds, lol. The dish is on a pole on the south side of the house which raises it up about 5 foot above gutter line. Might try a bit bigger pole but it will get unstable the higher I push it.

Think though I might slap the old mini dish back on chimmley, what sort of switch would I need to allow use of both motorized and min dish and would it be a case of selecting sly then once dish has moved switching it over to the other dish ?

In the picture's on is of the dish the other is the trees in front, the gap I think is hot bird, lol astra is through the middle of the tree on the right.


Need ammo for 10 o'clock tomorrow, dude is coming out.

It's is not ****cil policy to prune a tree to allow someone to obtain a sat signal, lol ******s. I have tried to explain that it is only one tree that is effecting the dish as it is only really astra 2 I cannot get, he keeps telling me to move the dish and I kept telling him I had (over phone this). I even asked if it would be easier for me to ask them to move the sats instead coz the ****cil didnt want to cut back a tree that they amitted is quite large and the roots may actually harm peoples properties but then it would be upto use to prove that was the case.

Ahhh anyways he's coming at 10 what laws or reason can I throw at him.
good luck dutcho they're some size fecking trees them. just try telling him nthell isnt around your way and sky is the only thing you can get but cant see the sat due to them feckers,and u hate normal terrestrial channels.......

can u not get a few people along the back of yours saying the trees are a pain in the arse and would rather they were down? say peeping toms keep climbing the tree and perving on mrs.d...lmao

lol.........good luck m8.
Well the ****CIL have been out and give me a brochure on there policy about tree removal, lol. They won't move the fooooker for ferk all, falling leaves - nope noise abuse - nope interference with tv/sat - nope loss of light - nope loss of view - nope root invastion - nope size - nope
noise abuse - nope

noise abuse???

dont you just hate it when a gang of pissed up trees decide to take root outside your house and start a rave going lol

noise abuse from trees, fook me ive heard it all now lmfao
Dutcho, if you can get a signal on sky from your chimney then thats where you need to have your main motorised. Your chimney will easily support an 80cm or 1metre dish, look at this chimney with a 1.8m / 6ft dish fixed to it-

So really its just a matter of getting good roof ladders set up across your tiles and then the job will be easy. Hire (or borrow) the ladders over a weekend and do the job right. If you end up with a sky dish on your chimney and use a switch i bet you will end up changing it at a later date. A manual A/B switch isnt ideal.

This may sound like a stupid idea and i dont know your financial situ, but if it was me I'd just order a cheap dish and motor and put up a second system on the chimney. Then if it took loads of time to get right you can keep the original in place, eventually using the original dish to run a tv in another room :). If thats not an option just move your original dish, even if it means paying someone.
No probs getting a cat ladder and no probs getting a couple of mates keen as fook to put it up there just getting told different stories about if the stack would take the dish.

That dish in the picture is FOOOOKEN HUGE, lol.

I want to work out the best way to go about the job be it shuv the motor on the stack or what ?

Gonna assign a whole weekend to the task and when it's done I want it do, end of, lol.

Could I drop a support maybe through a ridge tile to give the dish on the stack more support ?

You are the fitter type guys and I look to you for easy ideas ;)

@Dude trees make loads of noise, the noisey ones are called russtle, lol. told ya I'd try every angle.
Yes do the job right means you only do the job once. If you got equipment to get up to your stack then 100% you need to fix the dish there. People will say all sorts to get out of fixing to a stack so thats where al the stories come from, plus some fitters are idiots and fit incorrectly which makes the stack unsafe.

When you drill to fit the brackets make sure you keep the bracket fixings as low as you can on the brickwork. This means the whole weight of the stack sits higher than the weight/force of your dish. So.... if you fitted to the very top of the chimney then it would have less weight and its kinda like a long 'lever' making it easy for wind to push the stack over. If you fit low the weight of the stack will never budge- no matter how strong the wind, basically 150mph wind will just bend your bracket arms rather than do damage to brickwork.
If you want to be extra safe then there is more you can do, like add straps around the whole stack which hold onto your bracket, or you could add extra cement and weight which perhaps completely covers your bracket etc. You can even add wire straps that hold your motor once its set up, and fit brackets to your brackets to spread the weight.... lol.
Myself i'd say that your dish isnt big enough to make you worry. Just fix it with the lowest 'centre of gravity' that you can get, but with the dish sitting as high a you need and it will be fine.
I have the super star Digidude trying to sort out a proper steel strap system for the stack, once thats sorted I think it should be good enough :)###So Mr Digi I await our findings :)

Due to the rack of the roof I should be able to nount the foooker very low on the stack anyways so centre of gravity should be kept low :)

Cheers for the input Picky your all stars as usual :)