Maxi muscle


Inactive User
Sep 27, 2001
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I have just started back to Martial Arts after a 13 year gap and a difference of 4 stone.

I have been drinking Isontonic drinks before and during training and my collegue has given me a Maxi Plus muscle gain and recovery drink to try.

My objective is to allow me to recover from muscle damage through training and streching quicker than natural methods.

I am currently training twice a week (Mon-Wed) and although the product is listed as muscle gain I dont really need to size up as im happy with my current size just looking to repair quicker, should I take the product only on the days I train or between training days ?

I hope to increase my training regime to a third day soon (arms and legs permitting)

I dont want to look like a body builder but dont mind toning and increased indurance from this product.

Can anyone advise prefferably from personal experience ?


You're not going to look like a body builder mate unless you train like a body builder. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it, it won't happen over night anyway, so you can address it if it starts to happen ;)

It's good for muscle repair though. Take cod liver or flaxseed oil. Take protein before &/or after training (if OR, best to take it after), and the day after training and see how you get on. A body builder would drink one 3X a day, every day, and would be crackin the pan on a regular basis.

If it was that easy to get a body builder's body mate, there would be a lot more of them walking around!! These are shakes, not steroids...
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From what I have been reading there is not much difference with isotonic drinks. None of the gym rats at my work take it. Definately advise cod liver or flaxseed oil and maybe glutamine.