man u v everton


Inactive User
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
just a quick one lads just in case my sly goes off just been looking on ljs football with softcam service + i cant seem to find a channel that will be showing this game or am i wrong ta
Hi, that game is on DIEMA Hellas sat 12524 h

not listed on lj's
scum v everton PLTV 10E in hd. Service plus not required , just latest patch. Just waiting for Beckford to put one in like last year.
Back up your channel list to your USB stick then give this one a try, remember to enter your USALS coordinates.

It's fine for the 7000,9000 and 9000 combo.
Would the USALS matter? I've got a motor where I have to store each position.

Is my software up to date(based on photos)?

Anyway, it didn't work.Not having much luck with either box or either dish at the moment. Contrasts greatly with when I bought the spiderbox. Came home, plugged it in and everything I wanted was available.
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Would the USALS matter? I've got a motor where I have to store each position.

Is my software up to date(based on photos)?

Anyway, it didn't work.Not having much luck with either box or either dish at the moment. Contrasts greatly with when I bought the spiderbox. Came home, plugged it in and everything I wanted was available.

Here is the latest patch Before you install it back up your channel list to a memory stick, then install the patch AND then do a factory reset.
After that reinstall your channels list and set up UCAS and the Network settings, please let me know how you get on.

Sorry unable to upload the patch, please PM me your email address and I'll email it to you.

Just found it here use the last patch on page two BUT make sure you use the 7000 version
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hey guys im such a novice when it comes to these things but im just about to update my spider 7000 ive downloaded the patch, backed up the channel list gonna do a fac reset, after that reinstall the channel list and is that it coz im lost about all this ucas malarky. whats that. so im jus gonna wait untill some1 helps me out.
Here is the latest patch Before you install it back up your channel list to a memory stick, then install the patch AND then do a factory reset.
After that reinstall your channels list and set up UCAS and the Network settings, please let me know how you get on.

Sorry unable to upload the patch, please PM me your email address and I'll email it to you.

Just found it here use the last patch on page two BUT make sure you use the 7000 version
I'll give that a go on Thursday night when I get back home. Three day week this week so no chance of making up the hours by strolling in late tomorrow so had to leave this afternoon. As I'm freelance I think I should bill Liz for the days money I'm losing on Friday. Why couldn't they get married on a Saturday like normal people do?
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hey guys im such a novice when it comes to these things but im just about to update my spider 7000 ive downloaded the patch, backed up the channel list gonna do a fac reset, after that reinstall the channel list and is that it coz im lost about all this ucas malarky. whats that. so im jus gonna wait untill some1 helps me out.

No not quite lets do a step by step.
Backup your channel list.
Reinstall the latest patch.
Do a factory reset.
Reinstall your channels list.
Enable UCAS (press menu, locate Accessory, press 1111, go down to Key Edit press Ok, select Reset Key data press ok, are you sure to save? Yes press ok, set UCAS and UCAS Auto roll to on. Press Exit.
Set Network to on : Select Network press ok, set Type to on, select Service+ press ok, go down to register press ok then exit three times.

Ok your done now when you are ready just load the latest softkey.
jus did the update it worked but i lost some channels film hits, drama, komedi and the rest have gone an does not come up when i did a search. the the first place backed up the channels but when i wanted to put them back, it said update failed check usb. also lost suersports.

i feel like cryinggggggg