Magic Key 3


Inactive User
Mar 22, 2005
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Hi all.. I`m begining to think that I have been scammed.
bought a neoflash which included the GBA flash card ( this workd o.k. ). But I cannot get the NDS games to work.

Am I right in thinking that by using the magic Key 3 from Neo that I would need to use the flashme software..Does this thing even work on the NDS lite..?

anyway its nearly 5am on christmas morning. I for now give up.
the last magic key i had was 2, it needed to be flashed with a menu before it would play games, not many at that.
just read the ins and outs of this Magic key, apart from it being hidous, bulky and cheap feeling, it`s as the man above says, low in compatability. Even went to the NEO website. It was manufactured in 2005. Think I`ll be going back and swapping it for an M3.... To anyone else, DO NOT BUY THE Magic KEY 3 or any other magic key... Even the bog standard GBA software is a pain in the ar**.