mac book pro or dell alienware


Inactive User
Nov 27, 2008
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Hi guys

need some advise on which one of this two to buy budget is no issue.

Personally i would go for Alienware! Windows is alot better than Apple in my eyes.

I guess it depends on what you want the computer for and what you feel comfortable using...
Hi guys

need some advise on which one of this two to buy budget is no issue.


Impossible to answer without more detailed information about what you want to do with it.

The macbook if you're a serious computer user. The Dell if you're a gamer and compulsive downloader of dodgy software.
money no issue then get them both.

If not I would lean towards the alienware but it really is down to what he wants to use it for. Both can do the basic stuff no problem. both can run windows if required.
thanks guys for the views, i already have a Sony vio. always had windows never had mac befor i am a game person but got my consoles for that. my main uses are lot of downloading and daily computer use plus typing alot. is there any good software to have on the mac?

For all the things you have mentioned, I would stick with Windows. The Microsoft office software for Macs is dreadful if you are used to Microsoft Office for Windows.

You will also have to get used to the Mac operating system which is quite a bit different from Windows (just enough to be irritating if you are not used to it).

Gaming is also better on Windows - nearly non existent on Mac as far as I am concerned.

But all the above is from a Windows enthusiast! :proud:
thanks guys for the views, i already have a Sony vio. always had windows never had mac befor i am a game person but got my consoles for that. my main uses are lot of downloading and daily computer use plus typing alot. is there any good software to have on the mac?


Again depends what you want the software for, you can buy photoshop for mac or just use Gimp its free and equally as good as photoshop.

you have garage band on a mac so learn how to play an instrument or two or just create your own tunes.

I works is like office but for the mac and it will read etc all office doc's ;)

quiet a few games can be had for the mac that are available ie portal 2 etc..

Personally I would go Mac I have the pleasure of using both windows a work and mac at home..
thanks guys i have ordered a MAC 13inch i7 processor 500GB HDD,4GB RAM lets see what it brings.