M2 v M3


Inactive User
Feb 26, 2014
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OK, Is there any significant improvement on the M3 over the M2 or should I get the M2 cause it's cheaper.

I primarily want the box for 27.5o


Cheers Manic01

Next question are the patches the same for both boxes and where do I look for them


If you want to use the receiver for 27.5W then if you can get hold of an M2 go with that one, I have an M2 and M3 and the former is preferable for I907 especially if you want to record/timeshift, there are serious problems recording with the M3.

If you are not bothered about recording then the F3/5 is perfect for just watching live TV, as manic said.
I have the MK1/MK2/MK3 and no rec issues on any for me on any sats or channels inc biss ones..

My M3 will not allow recording of one channel whilst watching another on 27.5W, it simply freezes all the time, I know other members on here have the same problem, I have tried all Phantompatches to no avail.

The M2 whilst not perfect is much better, although I still suffer some pixelation occasionally, I only record/timeshift HD channels and use a Toshiba 320Gb Alu-E USB powered drive.
Many Thanks for all the replies. I will head for the M2 if I can otherwise the M3 as I do want to be able to record. It will be a while before I can pick up the box as I'm not back in the UK until October, unless I can get someone to bring it out to Tenerife for me


Many Thanks for all the replies. I will head for the M2 if I can otherwise the M3 as I do want to be able to record.

Be careful, some companies are advertising the M2 but sending out M3's, ensure you know which model they are selling. Officially, the M2 is no longer available due to the 'new' M3's arrival, the M3 is basically an F3/5 in a M2 case.