looking for a cheap gaming adapter


VIP Member
VIP Member
Nov 9, 2005
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In limbo!
ive been looking around for a gaming adapter for my 360 i begrudge paying out £70 for the official one when the system cost £279 for the full one and ive seen some linkys gaming adapters for £55 still a fair bit of money imo. so is there a cheaper way (not hardwiring) i know you cant use usb adapters as the 360 doesnt have the drivers for it which is a shame as ive seen them for £10.but if anyone here can post link to a reasonably priced one that would be much appreciated thanks for looking and taking time to answer :)
Should have posted in Trading and Wants. Not really a networking question
Insane_Jesus said:
Should have posted in Trading and Wants. Not really a networking question

contains questions regarding usb connectors and ethernet adapters so thats why i posted here. Also i found one on ebay bargain won it for £11.50 £7.25 p+p there are more on there if anyone else needs one heres link


also theese ones


10 hrs left on some though
sargieboy said:
contains questions regarding usb connectors and ethernet adapters so thats why i posted here. Also i found one on ebay bargain won it for £11.50 £7.25 p+p there are more on there if anyone else needs one heres link


also theese ones


10 hrs left on some though

Good to hear u got one at a reasonable price.