Lidl bags


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
ok so what the fooks the score with lidl carrier bags? you have to pay for every one and they dont even hold half as much as a normal tesco or asda one which are free, theres no give in them at all so when you dump them in the back of the car they split and your stuff goes everywhere

aarrrgggggGGGGggghhhhhh :Chainsaw:

ahh thats better lol
ok so what the fooks the score with lidl carrier bags? you have to pay for every one and they dont even hold half as much as a normal tesco or asda one which are free, theres no give in them at all so when you dump them in the back of the car they split and your stuff goes everywhere

aarrrgggggGGGGggghhhhhh :Chainsaw:

ahh thats better lol

wow a man that shops lol and at lidl
oi lol

i can do a weeks shopping with a fiver, i was taught by an expert ;)
i have to take my bags back to tescos got loads of green club card pionts now:proud:
They charge you for the bags to keep the price of everything else down!

Take a suitcase next time and see what they say! :Laugh:
They'll soon be charging us for carrier bags in every shop, seemingly its bad for the enviroment, using all that plastic for bags that are never recycled.............. A carrier bag tax I'd say.........If they decide to do this I'd like to know how we are all going to do our messages, we'll have to carry about 40 hold alls to the shops with us.
next time you shop there, take some asda tesco ones with you :proud:
If it really gets on your tits why dont you buy the ones for a quid are take your own another pain the neck with lidl is theres no room to pack your stuff and everyone looks at you like a muppet ( hurry up you twat ) but i must admit they have great offers and some cracking savings on electricals.
go to ikea, at the checkout, buy some of them big blue bags, 25p each, large, reinforced, and large handles. My missus has about 5 in the car all the time, even use them in tesco now - you can put on in the trolley and it fills half the trolley up.
