kryptview Perfect signal?


Inactive User
Dec 1, 2004
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Just would like to know everyones signal, Everything seems fine with my box I seem to have a problem with MTV R it seems to crash and then after about 3-10 seconds it comes back. Happens most evenings.
hi m8 if i go on MTV my

s is 75 and
q is 51

i would say if its just MTV and the rest are OK then the box probably is fine,
installing cable TV is not just sticking a wire in a box theres more to it than that with out going in to it too much the installer that fit it firstly should have used an meter to get
the signal as close to -6 as poss this is in the middle of the band so if you not got that then some channels higher or lower in the band range will act differently

hope this helps mas
sorry if you new all this:proud:
Not sure asking this question will acomplish very much as everbodies signal levels will be different.

If its a signal channel then I doubt it will just affect one channel - it will likely be a full transponder (which can be anywhere from 1-10 channels). See if you can find out what frequency MTV R is on for you and then check the other channels on that same frequency. If they also have a problem then you simply have a weak signal at one particular frequency. (Your other frequencies may be marginal)
Interesting one this. I too have weak signals on a couple of frequencies. All channels on these two frequencies are terrible. The thing is though, I have two of these boxes and the latest one I bought from tmc is perfect with strong clear channels on all frequencies.

The other thing is that on the older box with the bad frequencies, I have to load the firmware from October as on the last couple of versions, I have real trouble, missing most channels after many scans. My thoughts are that I have a weak or faulty tuner on the older box but does anyone else have these problems?
We did some tests in Liverpool a week ago and have found week signals on some transponders there. We should soon be able to tweak the tuner drivers soon and solve the problem.

Thanks tmc. If all it takes is some tweaking of the drivers for the tuner, then that's fantastic news.