khan fight

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he is only 23 and not 33...he has plenty of time ahead of him

nasseem and tyson are good examples of that........not!!!.

age has feck all to do with it, talent, you've either got it or you havn't.

also on the shorts thing, it will have been support for pakistan, one of his first fights when he was ranting about being proud to be british just has the comentators where quoting him the tv camera zoomed out to show his whole family waving pakistani flags, umm yeah...

nothing to do with race at all before the brigade start, i dont see what colour shorts he wears merits racist slur comments, if he was white the racist word wouldnt have even been mentioned in this thread (easy slur to throw), honesty is another issue, honesty not race.

if you claim one thing then mean it, my opinion is its a good promotion gimmick, if he went round claiming to be a pakistani instead of a british and proud fighter he wouldnt get as much support here.

also whats with the bollocks he said? "id be a legend if i was white", f*cking utter tosh, theres been more non white boxing legends than white legends, khan needs to grow up, think what hes saying and fight some good fighters,

even if he does that and goes to see micheal jacksons cosmetic surgeon he still will never be a legend. naseem was better imo and he's far from a legend so khan aint going to be one, good boxer maybe, legend never.

im not a fan but dont let that fool you into thinking my post is based on that.
Re flag on shorts: Haye wears the Turkish Cypriot flag on his and Calzaghe used to wear the Italian on his. Didn't hear no fuss about them two...strange that.

Think Khans were just a big Pakistan flag, lol. The other night they were green and white, which in my eyes, again, the Pakistan flag. Haye had a really small one on his becasue he trainned there a few times, and Calazaghe's Italian flag was also very small.

Looks to me like people can't have an oppinion an Khan in a negative way without the race card being pulled or being called jelious - which is totally out of order.

If you know anything about boxing, you will know that most of Khans fans are people who jump on the boxing band wagon when it suits them.

It happens all too often in boxing when someone is hyped up beyond all reason and then they come crashng down; Prince Nas anyone? I peronsally don't think Khan is the real deal, and I may be proven wrong, BUT, I am not a fan, I am certainly not racist, and jeliousy is best left to mentaly lip folk among us.

Khan has to go through the trenches and show some heart before he wins me over.
Think Khans were just a big Pakistan flag, lol. The other night they were green and white, which in my eyes, again, the Pakistan flag. Haye had a really small one on his becasue he trainned there a few times, and Calazaghe's Italian flag was also very small.

Looks to me like people can't have an oppinion an Khan in a negative way without the race card being pulled or being called jelious - which is totally out of order.

If you know anything about boxing, you will know that most of Khans fans are people who jump on the boxing band wagon when it suits them.

It happens all too often in boxing when someone is hyped up beyond all reason and then they come crashng down; Prince Nas anyone? I peronsally don't think Khan is the real deal, and I may be proven wrong, BUT, I am not a fan, I am certainly not racist, and jeliousy is best left to mentaly lip folk among us.

Khan has to go through the trenches and show some heart before he wins me over.

Completely Agree m8, I've not been a big follower of boxing but the last 3 years I've become a real fan, the reason for this is knowing a pro boxer and understanding the sport more and developing a real interest for it. Khan has the potential to be a very good champion BUT who has he beaten so far ... Nobodys!

His speed is his main and only impressive feature, yes he is developing more power and that will come as he gets older and his body matures more and he trains more. He has the best trainer in the world and that will only help him but Roach and Warren both know that Khan isn't ready to mix it with the big boys yet. I can bet his next fight will be against another unfamiliar name and by the end of next year around Oct he will fight a well known fighter and lose his belt.

Everybody is bigging him up which is what us English people do to everything that seems to have a bit of success just look at the football team, already won the World Cup in the press eyes, but the reason they do this is so they can slate these professionals when they falter.
also on the shorts thing, it will have been support for pakistan, one of his first fights when he was ranting about being proud to be british just has the comentators where quoting him the tv camera zoomed out to show his whole family waving pakistani flags, umm yeah...

his family are always at ringside! i guarantee u that the flag u saw was the union jack and pakistani flag stitched together....

if you claim one thing then mean it, my opinion is its a good promotion gimmick, if he went round claiming to be a pakistani instead of a british and proud fighter he wouldnt get as much support here.

so what ur saying is khan actually hates the british but pretends to love them and be one so he gets all the support?? So if what ur saying is true then surely its pretty much like people saying that they're not racists when they actually are??

Think Khans were just a big Pakistan flag, lol. The other night they were green and white, which in my eyes, again, the Pakistan flag.

i've actually found the vast majority if not all the shorts khan has worn so far for his fights... there's one pair which on one side he has the union jack and on the other the pakistani flag... even then both small and of equal size so unless its another pair you've seen but up until now i cant remember him havin a huge pakistani flag......

Looks to me like people can't have an oppinion an Khan in a negative way without the race card being pulled

m8... to a certain extent that is true... i'll tell u why because as soon as he lost against the prescott, the vast majority of comments on boxin forums/youtube were race related and disgusting, absolutely digusting.... there were other comments which were just on the fence and u could tell what they were tryin to imply... and before u point yesss this is on the net but this kinda thing is hardly gona be published in the paper or feature on the news....
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Freedie Roach see's a lot in him and i think he knows a bit about boxing. He's Pacquiao main sparring partner, that say's a lot. The big question mark over khan is his punch resistance and as he goes up the rank's he's gonna get hit, that's when he will get found out but to call him crap, rubbish etc somethings gotta be clouding your judgement.

When i watch him I hope he loses for some reason. The same goes for Lewis Hamilton and the English football team (which has given me great joy over the years ;) ). I Don't think it's race but it could be. maybe we are inherently racist to some degree. Couldn't see the whole of Pakistan cheering on some white boy.
m8... to a certain extent that is true... i'll tell u why because as soon as he lost against the prescott, the vast majority of comments on boxin forums/youtube were race related and disgusting, absolutely digusting.... there were other comments which were just on the fence and u could tell what they were tryin to imply... and before u point yesss this is on the net but this kinda thing is hardly gona be published in the paper or feature on the news....

Aye, I've seen the comments on YouTube. They are shocking to read some of them. I forget racism exists until you read stuff like that... makes me feel embaraced for the human race.

But see your picture... Where are those same Asian fans when a white British boxer is fighting? Just people jumping on the bandwagon helping the hype machine.

See, most boxers have to go through the domestic ranks, and Khan largely and completly in most cases, dodged them bar a lightweight commonwealth. How is that not being protected and given the red carpet treatment mate?

There probably are a lot of people who don't support him becasue he is Asian, but not everyone who isn't a fan of his is a racist - me for one.

I was a big fan of Prince Naz, even though he messed his career up, he was a ledgend, a short lived one maybe but I think he was largely liked by British people, so I think race has little to do with it. Naz did test my pactiance a little though after one of his fights when he was ranting on and said that Alla is the only God, that sort of stuff causes racism, but that is by-the-by.
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You do relise the posters on youtube are about 12 and american, they don't know any better.
See, most boxers have to go through the domestic ranks, and Khan largely and completly in most cases, dodged them bar a lightweight commonwealth. How is that not being protected and given the red carpet treatment mate?

thats hardly his fault m8, if u can go from A to D and skip B and C then im sure most would. if the likes of mitchell, murray, froch had the chance then would too, no doubt about it. its like in an exam, there maybe a few methods of gettin an answer and most would use the easier/quicker route so they can spend on the others. the blame if any should be directed at frank warren as he sorts this kinda things out (although khan's got his own promotions company so warren maybe no more lol).

I was a big fan of Prince Naz, even though he messed his career up, he was a ledgend, a short lived one maybe but I think he was largely liked by British people, so I think race has little to do with it. Naz did test my pactiance a little though after one of his fights when he was ranting on and said that Alla is the only God, that sort of stuff causes racism, but that is by-the-by.

to be honest m8, a lot of the time naz talked shite and im a fan. his pre-fight stuff was all wicked, u knw hypin the fight but i always believe that race, religion, cultural background etc should be left outta sport full stop and for that i didnt like naz at all...

@richyrich: dont be daft! most of america hadnt even heard of khan at the time so i dont think many adults, nevermind 12 year olds woulda been searching for khan v prescott....!
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so what ur saying is khan actually hates the british but pretends to love them and be one so he gets all the support??

show me where i say that, f*cks sake what is it with people on here quoting shit then posting as if its what the quote says.

i said its a wise move stating he loves to be a brit and proud and he wouldnt get the support he does if he was out and out proud pakistani in england.

So if what ur saying is true then surely its pretty much like people saying that they're not racists when they actually are??

you should be fecking ashamed of that comment.

dont put words in my mouth to suit your arguement, by all means quote what i actually say but dont twist my words to suit your need for action, ive been around and seen it all before.

i will edit just to say its not about race again, i can see some wise ass quoting the out and out pakistani thing and fecking with it, fact is whether you believe it or not and i wont force you to believe it but he wouldnt get the support he does from british fans if he wasnt saying he was british and proud and just went around waving the pakistani flag, nothing to do with race but a good business call by whoever advises him.
he may well be a proud brit without knowing him non of us can comment as fact, but it makes good business sense to say that even if his heart doesn't say that.
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show me where i say that, f*cks sake what is it with people on here quoting shit then posting as if its what the quote says.

i said its a wise move stating he loves to be a brit and proud and he wouldnt get the support he does if he was out and out proud pakistani in england.

its not much different to what i've written.... the word 'hate' is probably the wrong word to use but its basically what you've said.

you should be fecking ashamed of that comment.

dont put words in my mouth to suit your arguement, by all means quote what i actually say but dont twist my words to suit your need for action, ive been around and seen it all before.

i will edit just to say its not about race again, i can see some wise ass quoting the out and out pakistani thing and fecking with it, fact is whether you believe it or not and i wont force you to believe it but he wouldnt get the support he does from british fans if he wasnt saying he was british and proud and just went around waving the pakistani flag, nothing to do with race.

the thing about people being racist wasnt aimed directly at you, i was usin the same sorta analogy whereby people dont wana be criticised and shot down for admittin that they hate khan because of his religion/ethnic background etc instead they pretend to hate him for other reasons just to keep everything hush hush....
its not much different to what i've written.... the word 'hate' is probably the wrong word to use but its basically what you've said.

the thing about people being racist wasnt aimed directly at you, i was usin the same sorta analogy whereby people dont wana be criticised and shot down for admittin that they hate khan because of his religion/ethnic background etc instead they pretend to hate him for other reasons just to keep everything hush hush....

i can assure you i dont "hate" him,but as already has been said it seems you cant dislike him without being called racist, i dont like him as a boxer because hes for me still done nothing, if you can show me anywhere where i say i hate him as a pakistani or as a person id like to see that.

and the quote doesnt say that, you said he hates or dislikes brits or you say im saying that, if you can explain in dumb terms how if he was primarily a pakistani but says hes brit through and through how that makes him hate or dislike brits,

for the third time i will repeat, IF he was primarily pakistani he wouldnt get as much support from the brits (from us nothing to do with him disliking or hating),
whether you or me or anyone likes it the fact he waves the union jack and says hes brit through and through does get him more support over him saying hes pakistani first.

and to add im not saying he is pakistani first he may well be a true brit inside but my point was its a good business move as by doing it he gets more support from us whether he is or isnt true brit.

my posts says IF this is the case it is a wise business move,it states or says nothing about him hating or disliking brit what so ever. yet twice you say thats what im saying whether direct or indirect, it isnt "basically" or otherwise what im saying.

i dont like him as a boxer but why race has to be brought into it is beyond me, if anyone here said they didnt like ricky fatton no one would even play that card.
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booooring boooring boooring

i know what posts to read and which ones to scroll down

back to topic...khan is the champ and long may it continue....majority of boxers would love to have a career like his by the time he finishes boxing

khan should take on marcos maidana in his next fight....i reckon khan will take care of him
booooring boooring boooring

i know what posts to read and which ones to scroll down

back to topic...khan is the champ and long may it continue....majority of boxers would love to have a career like his by the time he finishes boxing

khan should take on marcos maidana in his next fight....i reckon khan will take care of him

I think your right shotter, maybe on the Mayweather Pacquaio undercard. If im not mistaken only one guy has beaten Maidana (Kotelnik) and Khan took care of him so I can see Khan overcoming Maidana aswell.
Khan is the best boxer we have had for alot of years Nigel Benn / Michael Watson / Steve Collins / eubank /Chris pyatt/ bomber graham even infact hes probably the best boxer weve had since Marciano are even (john O'Sullivan)

Since when did Steve Collins become British lol
Jeez can we not have anything to ourselves ;)
the thing about people being racist wasnt aimed directly at you, i was usin the same sorta analogy whereby people dont wana be criticised and shot down for admittin that they hate khan because of his religion/ethnic background etc instead they pretend to hate him for other reasons just to keep everything hush hush....

I do not hate him but I will not support him because of his religion/ background ect as you put it.
I live in the UK and I am free to choose who I do and don't support for whatever reason I like, it's a free country m8.
P.S I did support Frank Bruno and Benn as well as Eubank
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