
Thoes codes are for june 4th.

The codes change everyday, they are ususlly poted on here but are not at the mo because of problems with some [insert many 4 letter words here] selling the keygen on ebay.
Hi to every one out there
i have been mucking about with the new keygen v0.7. but will not get values from the net ?, i have edited it like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="values_url" value="" />

can any one help me please.
You need to enter the codes manually. The Internet update has been removed.
is the interent update goin to return,say to a different part of the website so older versions of the keygen no longer work ?
But the people who work on / host the website are saying exactly wht theyre planing of doing!!
I am hoping for the site to be usuable by he weekend, then get the keygen to work with it.