Keygen internet download account request

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Inactive User
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
***Mods, would it be possible to make this a sticky thread?***

As you may know, our work was put on ebay featuring the internet update. This was removed shortly after, so no more could be sold with internet download.

This also caused everyone from this site to be unable to use the internet codes.

I decided to add username/password protection to prevent this kind of thing happening again.

When you download the days codes, you can no longer access them via the internet update.

This will be re-enabled when the next days codes are posted.

In order to get an account, you must:

1) Have at least 5 NON-SPAM posts
2) Stay posting regularly on this forum

Please request accounts by replying to this message.

Your username will be your current forum username, and password will be a random combination of letters and numbers. This will be PM'd to you.

You will not be able to change your password.

If you dont want your account anymore, dont access it.

Sorry about the inconvenience, but it should stop it from being sold on placers like ebay (or anywhere).


(Account details wont be sent out until keygen is completed)
DOS - I am working on the 5 posts. But would also like to arrange for my PERL script
'keygen' that I am coding, to be able to access this site too. Did have a basic http
gets on the old site working until it went down.

PERL script will be posted wherever mods feel approprite once complete.

Another request here. I've just scraped in, but hopefully I can be a valuable member of the forums...
if u will plz dos, i am abit confused about all tht going on at the mo, will u have to go to the site and put in the ur pass or will it been save into the keygen?
if tht don't confuse u i don't no wat will
This is for the keygen version. Should i re-start the thread in the new forum at the weekend?

Its a different system, the forum one is for Internal referances for decoding by hand, mine communicates directly with the keygen.
yep tht went straight over my head mate, i just learning about all this so use simple english;) im blonde
@ dos what are you intending doing here m8 i know your intentions are good but i just dont know or understand what you are intending to do please pm me your intentions
Well done for all your efforts on the keygen stuff. Hopefully this new method will stop those ebay clowns!
please can i have access :)

thanks so much 4 all the work DOS i'l add 2 ur rep power! :p
I know I still don't have the required number of posts, I would like access but don't want to make senseless posts to get to the 5. I intend to help where possible.

DOS said:
This is for the keygen version. Should i re-start the thread in the new forum at the weekend?

Its a different system, the forum one is for Internal referances for decoding by hand, mine communicates directly with the keygen.

Just wondering if having two separte password protected sites linked to Digital World is a good idea (or would it just confuse people)

It would be possible for the keygen to log onto the password protected room here and download the codes (provided you supply your username/password and protected room password). Don't know if the mods want want this though.

I'll give it some though over the weekend

[I've got something along those lines working in the keygen at the moment.]

Great ideal m8,

please add me to your list.


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