Keeping Puffa Fish


DW Top Poster +
Jul 24, 2009
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Tulip Town
We used to keep Tropical fish, so have some basic info on fish keeping already.

Had to get rid of the tank when the kids were younger as the youngest would not leave the tank alone.

Now our kids are a bit older have decided to get set up again.

Was thinking about Puffa fish, as they appear to be great to look after and feed.

Alot of different stuff as to what water to keep them in, so not sure.
mentions of brakish water (natually found wher salt water meets fresh water in esturies).

Have found a Tank complete for sale with Green spotted and Figure of 8 , which are about 6 months old and about 2 and half inches in size.
There are 4 in a tank of 2 and half ft.

Am i right inthinking this is a bit small for these fish with room to grow.

These are not marine Fish and not the dwarf variety.

They want £90 for the complete set up inc fish, tank etc, unit to stand it on etc.

Problem is the tanks about 2hrs drive from me.

Thats along time to tansport fish without causing too much stress to them.

Any advice welcome.
There are few fish more exotic and unusual than the puffer. With very specific environmental needs they present a real challenge to keep and are recommended only for the experienced aquarist, but they're fascinating creatures and will provide a great deal of satisfaction in return for your hard work.
Although some species are happy in freshwater tropical aquariums, most puffers prefer a brackish environment, and you'll need to get the amount of salt in the water just right for them to thrive. After adding marine salts to the tank, you should use a hydrometer (cheap to buy and simple to set up) to monitor the salinity of the water and adjust it to the preferences of the particular species you're keeping. All puffers need very clean water with low ammonia and nitrites. Because their needs are so specific, it's difficult to keep puffers in a community tank. They are often happiest all alone. If you keep several puffers together, they should be the same species, and you should make sure that your aquarium contains plenty of hiding places.
Puffers are carnivorous fish and should be supplied with a varied diet including plenty of crunchy foods such as snails and crustaceans. This is especially important because they are toothed fish and their teeth grow continually, so they must be able to grind them down. Even with the best care, you can expect to have to take your puffers for dental work every few months. Puffers are also prone to obesity, so once they reach adult size you should feed them just once every two to three days, no matter how much they beg.

Puffing Up

What makes the puffer so famous is, of course, its ability to inflate its body, increasing its apparent size to deter predators. Many people buy puffer fish because they are excited about this and hope to watch it happen on a regular basis. This is not a good idea. Puffing up is very stressful for the fish and can lead to health problems. It can also cause immediate damage if the puffer accidentally draws in air instead of water when inflating. The puffer will then have difficulty expelling air and will lose control of its buoyancy. For this reason, puffers should never be lifted out of the aquarium in a net, but should always be surrounded by water when moved.

Types of Puffer

There are numerous species of puffer available to choose from. Some of the more popular aquarium species are as follows:

  • Abei Puffers - This small, hardy fish changes its colour and pattern according to its mood. Prone to bursts of energy and aggression, it should be kept alone in fresh water.
  • South American Puffers -Vividly coloured and highly active, these fresh water fish can usually be kept in a shoal. Their fast growing teeth require comparatively frequent dental work. They require especially good filtration.
  • Dwarf Puffers -These tiny, brightly coloured fish can be kept in a shoal, but you should always be ready to separate them in case of problems. They are intelligent and relatively hardy. They need a fresh water environment.
  • Figure Eight Puffers - These charismatic, strikingly patterned little fish can be kept in a shoal but are prone to aggression. They need brackish water and will only accept live food.
  • Ceylon Puffers -Comparatively peaceful, these handsome striped fish can be kept in shoals. They need brackish water when young and a full marine environment when adult.
  • Dog Faced Puffers -These curious fish grow up to a foot in length, so require plenty of space, but are comparatively tolerant of other fish. Don't try to keep them in a reef aquarium or they'll eat your coral. They need a marine environment and are fairly hardy.
Although it's difficult to keep puffers successfully, hard work, research and patience will pay off. Puffers live for a long time and are notably intelligent. They pay attention to what's happening outside the tank and will enjoy your companionship. If you're prepared to put in the effort, keeping puffers can be a wonderful experience.

pulled from here Puffers - Tropical Fish Expert (UK)
also from here Tropical Fish - The ultimate UK fish keeping resource for all types of tropical and marine fish, including fish books, articles, fish shops, fish clubs and more.

Green, spotted pufferfish — and how to tell them apart25/10/2005By Neale Monks


Pufferfish are among those few types of fish that positive exude personality; where fish like guppies and tetras may be attractive and alert, they don’t really give the impression of forming any particular bond with their owners beyond seeing them as a source of food. In contrast puffers, like many of the cichlids, seem much more aware of their surroundings, and as much as you watch them, they watch you. Pufferfish also score in the cuteness stakes as well, having expressive faces with large eyes and an unusual, bird-like beak.

It’s no surprise then that many newcomers to the fishkeeping hobby decide to buy a small pufferfish for their aquarium; but what is as a surprise to their owners is just how much trouble keeping pufferfish can be. Even though they may look friendly when young, adult pufferfish are often very aggressive towards one another, and they may even attack unrelated fish too slow to get out of the way. Some specimens are also confirmed fin-nippers, and will take chunks out of the fins of slow moving fish like gouramis and angelfish given the chance.

Complicating matters further is the fact that several so-called freshwater puffers are in fact brackish water fish, and will not do well in freshwater aquaria over the long term. However, there are also several species that do inhabit freshwaters for their entire lives, but not all aquarists or retailers seem to be aware of this, and you’ll often come across freshwater species being kept in brackish water.

No wonder then that puffers have tended to be branded as difficult fish best kept by advanced aquarists in a single-species tank. This is a bit of a shame, because there is actually quite a lot of variety in the pufferfish group, and some species make much nicer pets than others. The trick is to identify the species being sold in your aquarium before you spend any money. This is fine with the more distinctive species like the mbu puffer, Tetraodon mbu, and the Congo puffer, Tetraodon miurus, but what about those green spotted puffers that all seem to look alike?

Green spotted puffers, and how to tell them apart

There are at least five species of commonly traded pufferfish that are green and spotted, and all look rather similar at first glance. Even though they look alike, they are all very different fish as far as behaviour and required water conditions go, so being able to tell them apart is crucial. Generally speaking, you can expect your retailer to correctly label the South American puffer, milk spotted puffer, and figure eight puffer; the problem comes with the common and green spotted puffers, which are very similar indeed. The following species descriptions should help you identify the species available at your retailer, but note that the “distinguishing features” are for juveniles; adult pufferfish usually have the same markings but to a lesser degree, with the colours muted or the patterns faded. However, since it is juveniles that are normally offered for sale, it is those that we are interested in here.

South American Pufferfish, Colomesus psittacus

Distinguishing features: Apart from the beak, this fish has a rather flattened face. The body is white underneath with alternating green and black saddle-like patches along the back. Very active, and, unlike most other puffers, this fish is apt to be nervous.

A peaceful, freshwater pufferfish that will do well in a community tank along with quite fish of comparable size. Since this fish comes from the Amazon, it would fit in nicely in a South American community including plecs, pimelodid catfish, peaceful cichlids such as severums and acaras, and large characins like silver dollars. South American pufferfish are territorial, but in big tanks more than one specimen can be kept, and as youngsters being kept in small groups may help them settle in more quickly.

This pufferfish is one of the larger species, potentially being able to reach lengths of 25 cm, although they rarely do so in captivity. Part of the problem is that this species is quite delicate compared to most of the others, and needs well-filtered water with a high oxygen content. Making matters worse, the South American pufferfish is rather nervous, even hyperactive at times, and takes quite a while to settle into a new aquarium. It is a very active fish, and does not tolerate the confines of a small aquarium well, and should be kept in a tank no less than 100 cm in length.

The South American puffer is a bit particular about its food, and has a marked preference for live foods such as river shrimp and snails. This species is also notorious for its fast-growing teeth (see the tips on general care, below). The bottom line is that this species will not do well in an overstocked community tank, and is best avoided by inexperienced aquarists.

Milk Spotted Pufferfish, Chelonodon patoca

Distinguishing features: This fish is milk-white underneath with white spots and stripes on the top. There are also a few black, saddle-like marks on the back as well, particularly on the back half of the animal.

Although not a commonly seen species, the Asian and Australian milk spotted pufferfish is definitely worth looking out for if you want a robust, peaceful pufferfish for a big brackish water community tank. It would make an ideal companion for a school of scats and monos, posing no threat to such large, fast moving species. The milk spotted pufferfish could also work well with a small group of Colombian shark catfish. Even though it is sold as a freshwater or brackish water fish, this species will also thrive in a marine aquarium.

In many regards this fish is a lot like the South American pufferfish: it grows to about the same size, will only take live foods, and tends to be a bit nervous in captivity, at least to begin with. Also like the South American pufferfish, in a big enough aquarium a small group can be kept without problems.

Figure Eight Pufferfish, Tetraodon biocellatus

Distinguishing features: Essentially off-white underneath and green on top, this back of this fish bears has characteristic circular blotches of darker green edged with yellow. Often, these patches merge, forming the “figure eights” that give this fish its common name.

One of the most commonly traded pufferfish species, the figure eight pufferfish is an aggressive freshwater species that has been known to develop fin-nipping tendencies. As such, it cannot be recommended for the average community tank. Even in the best of conditions, these fish are hostile towards one another, developing a strict pecking order that often leaves the smaller and weaker individuals with scars on the body and pieces bitten out of the fins. In the close confines of the aquarium, dominant individuals are able to bully the other pufferfish to such a degree that they cannot feed, resulting in death by slow starvation.

This fish is at least fairly small, typically well under 10 cm in
length when mature, and so could be kept in a small, single species
tank without problems. It is quite adaptable, but despite being a
freshwater fish in the wild, in aquaria it appears to do best in
slightly brackish, alkaline water (a specific gravity of about 1.005
and a pH of 8 is ideal). Like other puffers, it is a greedy fish, and
will accept all sorts of live, frozen, and processed food although
snails and other shellfish should be a major part of its diet.

Figure eight puffers are found throughout South East Asia, and are frequently included in batches of oddballs from Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. Note also the Tetraodon steindachneri and Tetraodon palembangensis also go by the figure eight pufferfish name, and are most probably the same fish.

Common Spotted Pufferfish, Tetraodon fluvialitis

Distinguishing features: Off-white to grey underneath and yellowy-green above, this fish bears numerous small dark brown or black spots and patches on its back and sides. Unlike the figure eight puffer, these are not edged with yellow.

A fairly big pufferfish (around 15 cm being typical) that requires brackish water, the common spotted pufferfish is notorious for both its aggression and its tendency to fin nipping. Perversely, juveniles are among the most tolerant and peaceful of pufferfish, and many aquarists have taken this to suggest that they would make good additions to a community tank. As the pufferfish grow, they initially bully one another, usually forcing the aquarist to remove all but one specimen. In a very big tank, upwards of 120 cm in length, it may be possible to raise a pair of these fish, and perhaps even breed them (in a manner very like the cichlids, with the male guarding the eggs and fry), but generally speaking these fish are best kept individually.

The common spotted pufferfish is predatory and given to biting pieces from the fins and scales of larger fish. In a big tank (at least 100 cm long) it might be possible to keep an adult common spotted pufferfish with robust and fast-moving companions — the problem is that you cannot guarantee it. Even fish like monos and scats that would seem to be too fast for the clumsy puffer to molest sometimes fall prey, with the aquarist finding one the fish has a circular disc taken out of its fins.

Green Spotted Pufferfish, Tetraodon nigroviridis

Distinguishing features: Very similar to the common spotted pufferfish, except that there are no large saddles or blotches on the back.

In all regards this species is identical to the common spotted pufferfish. It is peaceful when young, territorial and aggressive when adult, and requires brackish, not freshwater, conditions. Many ichthyologists and aquarists consider the two species to be nothing more than geographical or morphological variations of the same fish, while others separate them out as distinct species. It doesn’t really matter very much for our purposes, since they require the same conditions in captivity.

General pufferfish care

All pufferfish have continually growing teeth that in the wild are ground down when the fish eats the crustaceans and molluscs that they hunt. In captivity puffers tend to be offered softer fare, with the result that their teeth are not worn down, and can become so long the fish cannot eat properly. Veterinarians can be called upon to file the teeth down manually, but it’s far better simply to ensure that the puffer is regularly given the hard, shelly foods that they have evolved to handle. Malayan livebearing snails are a very good option: they are easy to raise at home, and many aquarists and retailers even consider them a pest, so getting a ‘starter culture’ shouldn’t be hard!

There are a few other things that need to be help to keep puffers healthy and happy. The first is to ensure that the aquarium includes enough to amuse them, since these are naturally active, inquisitive fish. Many like to dig, so at least a patch of sand or fine gravel will be appreciated. A mixture of rocks, bogwood, and plants will add complexity to the aquarium and give them something to explore as well as somewhere to hide. All puffers are greedy, messy fish, so it’s important not to overfeed them and to ensure that you have a powerful filter that is up to the job. Finally, if you put a puffer into an established community tank, keep an eye out on for signs of fighting or fin nipping; wounds can quickly become infected with things like fungus and fin-rot.
Mickie D keeps fish, he wrote a blog on his fish the other day, i'm sure he'll be able to give you some tips :)