Just received 2 tm600 linux boxes


DW Regular
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all new here so havent got entirely to grips with the forum yet... anyhow, I have just bought 2 tecky 600 linux receivers, they are still boxed so can someone help me out with where to start( ya ya take them out of the box i know) I am pretty ofay with dm500 receivers but these are my first technomates..

Thanks all in advance

oh i have a UK sub on offer for sh@re with a hop 2 from Ireland with the Irish local channels and also 13 and 19 stuff premier etc.... in exchange for help if wanted that is..
Use latest image 7 aug in TM linux image section. Make sure you have latest tm 600 models ie has 2 scarts on the back. If not do not use latest images as will render remote useless.
You have just answered my next question, this is the kind of info that is priceless, normally i would have just gone bull headed and downloaded any image then read the forums.... must be gettin old.... yes is new version with 2 scarts, have to say first impressions with box are i'm well impressed... Pm me if you want irish stuff etc.... hope thats not against rules, delete it mods if it is and sorry...
cant find where to send pm's.... i'l figure it out....right now gotta try figure out how to edit cccam.cfg file to get my new box working...

anyone help me out, i'm having trouble with logging into the box with dcc... i need to add a c: line inorder to view my card which is in another box...
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no problem
Download winscp I find to many probs with dcc
download putty
enter ur boxes ip (if u dont no it get it from the tm600 comunication setup
user name as root
the passworf is blank
save config
log on

go to var/etc/
you will see ccam.config
right click select edit
put your c line at the top
save done
Thanks Coley, i havent got a clue how to use that program mate, keep gettin time outs or connection refused
any other tips?
i would if i could mate but cant find how to send you a pm
can you send me yours via pm? or try search for mine its very similar to my username here :)
start winscp
on the winscp login page select new
change file protol from SFTP to ftp
enter host name this is the ip of your tm 600
user name: root
save it and give it a name

Finally got it the port number had to be changed from default 22 to 21 for ftp, edited my c line and i'm up n running.... would like to say thanks to you my friend your a star... could do with exchanging msn details, i added mine to my profile page its no secret.... give me a shout if you see it..