I've just been f*cking burgled!!!!!

Nothing surprises me anymore. Junkies everywhere - police nowhere! My nan got burgled a few years ago and they walked out the front door with a 24 inch telly - middle of the day and no-one saw a thing!! Trouble is these days is too many people have no respect for others.
I hope you manage to track them down and let them get what they deserve - im sure you will do a better job than the police/courts anyway.

Society today says - break into a house and have almost a zero chance of being caught or break the speed limit by 5 mph and get caught and fined and heaven forbid if you park on a yellow line for more than 3 seconds!! Its all about figures these days and its a sad fact that its easier to track down a motoring offence than a robbery!!
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Bad news, sorry to heart that.
Ive been burgled before, puts the shitters up in the women, my Aunt was living with me and it totally freaked her out.

Coppers cant do much, unless you got a dead body in your garden, they aint interested!

Hope you catch them and beat the living daylights out of them.
No mate the fine I got went to him for his broken fingers and cracked jaw... I had to pay for my door he kicked off... It was so quick I didnt think about dragging him anywhere or covering my tracks it was the temper. If the misses didnt scream and tell me to stop I think I would be in prison now... I only went out for 10 mins to get my curry...lol
There is a bloke round the corner from he, some twits walked in his house whilst he was in.. took his car keys... came back a few hours later and took his car... found burnt out the next day...
Shocking world we live in..
Another thing someone said CCTV.. MY mate has CCTV which burns to hdd. Someone broke into his house and stole everything... when they was leaving one of them took his hood off and looked at the camera with 2 fingers up... the police took the dvd and they said "we know him" but nothing.. they didnt even go lookin for him...

it seems like im paying council tax for a copper to sit on a corner, catch me speeding and fine me more money..
Society today says - break into a house and have almost a zero chance of being caught or break the speed limit by 5 mph and get caught and fined and heaven forbid if you park on a yellow line for more than 3 seconds!! Its all about figures these days and its a sad fact that its easier to track down a motoring offence than a robbery!!

With prices of cctv camera's lowering maybe more people should get them. they would only need 1 just outside the door and then they would have the thieving scums face on video to show to the police.

Another thing someone said CCTV.. MY mate has CCTV which burns to hdd. Someone broke into his house and stole everything... when they was leaving one of them took his hood off and looked at the camera with 2 fingers up... the police took the dvd and they said "we know him" but nothing.. they didnt even go lookin for him...

Last year the law was changed so police can let burglars off the threat of a court appearance and instead allow them to go with a caution. If its on CCTV dont the police BY LAW have to find and prosecute the offender.
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