Ive cracked the sb5100e problems


Inactive User
Nov 10, 2005
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This was posted by goodfella in a another forum and ive tried it myself and works flawlessly even when the plug is diconeccted for several minutes

Hi guys i just got my sb5100e online without the telnet commands for excaw
And its easier than u think.
I have been playing about with it the last few days and stumbled on a great find.

Here we go
Things u need
1 sb5100e
2 sigma-x 1.06 final {yes 1.06 final and not rc4}
3.blackcat programmer
4.SchwarzeKatze 118 {this is the one i used others may work}

Follow the readme file that comes with sigma -x 1.06 final it is not as simple as the rc4 so read it properly.

below is a copy

1) Backup your flash! (IMPORTANT!) Save is as Original.SB5100.bin
2) Using SchwarzeKatze (build 118+) go to the Flash tab, click "Detect". Then Select
"Write", choose the SIGMA firmware and select "OK", next change the offset to "0x20000"
and click "OK". This will now take 10-20 minutes.
3) Goto the SB5100 Tab and under the "Bootloader" options, open up TCNiSO_Bootloader_v2.5.91.bin
Then click "Flash", this will take about 30 seconds.
4) Run this command from the Console Tab: flashinit
5) Run this command from the Console Tab: flasheraseblock 0xbfc10000
6) Reboot modem.

now go to the sigma page and change ur mac
now click on frequency and change scan plan to european
now click on snmp and enable factory mode

Thats it now u should be online without those telnet commands

Please let me know how u get on
Thats old news m8 it works fine until the modem is diconnected from the mains for a while it wont sync until u type the telnet commands again
kaks said:
Thats old news m8 it works fine until the modem is diconnected from the mains for a while it wont sync until u type the telnet commands again

i unplug mine every time i'm not using it (most nights and even been unplugged for five days), and still boots up, sync's first time every time.

That info is exactly what you are told to do on the tcniso site and the sigma readme. Nothing new.

What people are missing is that there is a good reason for those telnet commands. The method you have mentioned will work if the non volatile information is complete and set correctly for the area you are in.

If that info is already intact then what you've written above will work without anything else needing done. If that info isnt correct then you'll need to use the telnet commands to set that info then make the changed permanent.

The modem wont lose its settings when unplugged from the mains providing the 'UpdateSettings' command is used. That command writes the currently made changes into the flash to make them permenant. Ofcourse if your modem already has the settings in place before the upgrade you wont need to perform a few of the commands manually.

Thats what the current bug is in the sigma firmware. The region settings arent written to the flash permanently. Other than that, it works fine. Its all covered in the new tutorials. There is no problem getting sigma running now. :)
R u from excaw M8 as i dunno a single person that dosent need to type the telnet commands after unplugging the modem for a few minutes from the mains. If u on excaw disconnect the power cable for a few minutes then reconnect it i bet u it wont sync.
The above method will sync straight away without the telnet commands everytime the modem is disconnected and reconnected.

When i had the rc4 firmware installed after the telnet bit its always has been on annex a but still wont sync.
type annex in the webshell and it will say annex a but still it does not sync after a reboot

KeepGood2006 said:

That info is exactly what you are told to do on the tcniso site and the sigma readme. Nothing new.

What people are missing is that there is a good reason for those telnet commands. The method you have mentioned will work if the non volatile information is complete and set correctly for the area you are in.

If that info is already intact then what you've written above will work without anything else needing done. If that info isnt correct then you'll need to use the telnet commands to set that info then make the changed permanent.

The modem wont lose its settings when unplugged from the mains providing the 'UpdateSettings' command is used. That command writes the currently made changes into the flash to make them permenant. Ofcourse if your modem already has the settings in place before the upgrade you wont need to perform a few of the commands manually.

Thats what the current bug is in the sigma firmware. The region settings arent written to the flash permanently. Other than that, it works fine. Its all covered in the new tutorials. There is no problem getting sigma running now. :)
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No I'm not in an ex c&w area but alot of my mates are and their's are all fine. Use the command cm_annex, not annex. The point is the settings being saved permenently, thats all. Its the only major flaw to the sigma firmware.
derengel dosent know much about euro docsis modems .
He was selling sb4100 /4200/5100 to people who requested sb4100e/4200e/5100e .
He said they will work if u change the frequency plan to e-docsis but that didnt work as the tuners are different. He has just found out that they are different and has got some stock of e modems
Now wot im trying to say he created a firmware that wasnt needed [sigma x 1.06 rc 4 beta] This was suppose to be the fix for euro docsis but the firmware he made before was a more stable firmware and works flawlessly without the telnet commands which was the sigma-x 1.06 final .

All we had to do to get the sigma-x 1.06 to work was to change the scan plan to e-docsis and have a sb5100e modem .there was no need to create the beta rc4.

Everyone is assuming rc4 is the only firmware for e-docsis coz derengel says so.
Thats why alot of people are having problems of not syncing unless u type the telnet commands.

Believe me when i say that when u disconnect the power supply to the modem for a few minutes it wont go online without doin the telnet bit again.

That link that u posted is the same commands that i have been using.
The main source came from Pop and bits and bobs including the circuit issue was corrected by goodfella and NoOne
Those commands are in NoOne's tut which been around for a while.
Thats why i said that is old news
Majority of sb5100e users in excaw are having the problem only when disconnecting the modem's psu otherwise if uve done the telnet bit it will work until the psu is disconnected

below is NoOnes tut

Tutorial for SB5100E on EX C&W only:

1) Open up modem, and attach blackcat cable. Turn on the modem.

2) Start the blackcat software, its best to use build 120.
In the console window it should say it's found manufacturer. (see pic)

Manufacturer: broadcom
Part: bcm3348

3) Click on the 'Flash' tab, click 'Detect'. Again in the console window you can check confirmation that the flash is detected.

Detected a MXIC MX29LV160AB flash ic. (see pic)

Choose 'Read All'. Save the file somewhere safe.
This will create a backup of your flash in case anything ever goes wrong. This takes about 10 minutes.

4) Now click on 'Write All' and choose 'C:\Program Files\TCNiSO\SB5100 Bios\SB5100_NOSH.BIN'.
I couldnt get Sigma working with the original bios, but works fine when flashed with the bios which came with the blackcat software. This takes about 40 mins.(at least! Go make tea or drink a stella, cause you are nearly there, but have a long wait)

5) Next, click on the 'SB5100' tab, click 'Program' and choose the 'SIGMA-X-1.06.bin' firmware. It needs to be the RC4 release to work on ex-cwc. This takes about 20 mins.

6) Under the 'Bootloader' options, open up 'SIGMAX-BL_v2.6-LITE.bin'. Then click 'Flash', this will take about 30 seconds.

7) Reboot the modem and hook up your coax and ethernet connection.

8) Open your internet browser and type in ''. You should now be greeted with a Sigma page if everything has gone well.

9) EX c&w ONLY need to do this part.
Telnet into the modem, click start,run and type telnet. In the telnet window type o
You are now in the Sigma telnet shell.

Type the following commands. Its ok to cut and paste the commands from notepad for example as the data may be scrolling past in the telnet window. Press enter after each command is entered, that includes the yes responses.

cd non-vol
cd halif
mac_address 1 00:00:00:00:00:00 set to a workin mac e.g. 11:22:33:44:55:66

10) Reboot the modem. The modem should now sync to the network.
Go to the Sigma page on ‘’ and it will display what config you're running.

11) If you want more speed, change the config file name to the appropriate one and reboot.
This is the current 10meg config. cmreg-ntlhm120-bund03.cm enter this into "Config File:" in the 'basic' section and click 'reboot'

Enjoy the tutorial…..NoOne
Feel free to add anything…
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mad mad mad

kaks said:
Believe me when i say that when u disconnect the power supply to the modem for a few minutes it wont go online without doin the telnet bit again.

as i said previously, i unplug mine almost every night and as been off for 5 days too and still works with no probs!!
At the end of the day if it works 4 you thats all that matters no need to have a debate about it.

If one dont work try the other.. if the other dont work try the other lol

untill you find one that works 4u.
I guess u right m8 i was just showing people an alternate method :Cheers:

bigga said:
At the end of the day if it works 4 you thats all that matters no need to have a debate about it.

If one dont work try the other.. if the other dont work try the other lol

untill you find one that works 4u.
Good on ya m8 thats what the forums about sharing ideas & problems.

cheers bigga.