ITV apologises for Rotten's profanity


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Aug 29, 2001
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ITV has been forced to apologise today after Jonny Rotten's four-letter rant live on I'm A Celebrity last night.

In the episode - broadcast live from Australia - Rotten branded the viewing public "f***ing c***s" for keeping him on the show for another day. Hosts Ant and Dec quickly apologised for the outburst and again two further times later in the show. Another apology was given out an hour later on ITV2's spinoff show I'm A Celebrity... Now.

"It's a live show so it was unpreventable, but we're sorry for any offence caused," said an ITV spokeswoman today.

Although the comments were broadcast after the watershed, the popularity and nature of the programme means that more children would have been watching than normal at that time of the evening.

TV regulator Ofcom said it had received complaints from viewers but was still deciding on what action to take. "There is no absolute ban on bad language," said a spokesman. "If it was deemed that it breached the code, it could be a reprimand, a fine, or a number of actions."

The ITV spokeswoman added that a number of options were now being considered for the show, including a tape-delay.
haha, I thought it was really funny. Credit to the guy for speaking his mind because evryone else in there talks bullshit, you can tell they all want to suck up to the public so they can win and get the millions in tv deals which goes with it. At least Johnny doesnt care if he wins as he realises its for charity, unless thats reverse pschycology and he actually want to win :confused:
I quote "the popularity and nature of the programme means that more children would have been watching than normal at that time of the evening.

Then As a parent I would say the onis os on the parent to decide if the minor should be watching the show, jesus ITV new Johnny was an anarchist and something like that was bound to happen..... between itv and bbc over the last two weeks they seemed to have hogged all the press and if what John said is new headlines then I can only assume all is right in the rest of the world ???

I also heard somewhere that the BBC is concidering scrapping the licence fee and I say about bloody time I am sucked off paying for shit programs/repeats/and my missus to watch neighbours & eastenders....

Taff said:
I quote "
ITV new Johnny was an anarchist and something like that was bound to happen.....Taff

Thats exactly right m8 they were asking for trouble, and I think they did it on purpose anyway even knowing this exact thing would happen, after all swearing probably pulls more ratings :)