ISO Backup Loader

Can anyone knock up a step by step tut for this hack, for a Wii newbie?
so whats the decision guys is this working or not?
so whats the decision guys is this working or not?

I found it very buggy. 3 or 4 games with issues will FMV sequences and crashes on menus screens. Loading times slow but you cant complain. Early days though. Hopefully it will evolve.
loading times are very slow and video cut-scenes are choppy due to the fact the loader can only use the drive at 3X rather than the 6X the drive normally runs at when accessing original games, The loader has problems with quite a few games and there are some games that do not work at all with the loader.

The author of the software has still been quiet recently which points to the fact he still wants nothing to do with the project, so i wouldn't hold much hope of this project going much farther.
The following is from a website on how to use this backup load


Guide to installing the LEAKED UNSUPPORTED BETA.

Please note: Following these instructions does not mean I am responsible for your Wii. Just because I wrote them does not mean I know what your doing in your home where ever you may be. If you semi-brick or full-brick your Wii, then your a dumbass, and I fart in your general direction! I am not responsible for fixing your Wii, nor will I buy you a new one.

And now for something completely different!

This guide will... well... guide you to installing, copying/burning, and playing your Wii games with the LEAKED UNSUPPORTED BETA verison of Waninkoko's Softmod.

What you will need;

Softmod package.
Homebrew Browser
Some Wii Games
A way to dump them.
A DVD burner and blank discs.

I will not link to any of these items, as they are all over the place.

Here is the steps now.

First, you want to copy all the necissary files to your SD card. How you do that is up to you. You'll want the place the Loader in the APPS folder, and the cIOS wad file in the WAD folder. Once you've done that, move to step 2

Step 3. After completing the all important step 2 (you did finish it, right?) you'll want to install the following apps via the Homebrew Browser:

Wad Manager 1.2

After downloading them, go back to the Homebrew Channel (press HOME) and run DVDx. You will see 3 options.
Normal Install
PatchMii Install
Advanced Install


Now, go to Advanced Install, and press RIGHT on the dpad until you get to IOS249. When it's done, choose EXIT. You'll be back at the Homebrew Channel.

Now, select the Wad Manager. You'll be greated by more of the same black screen/white text. Now, install the cIOS wad file. EASY!

Once you have DVDx and cIOS your ready to work on patching your games.

Once you have a Wii.iso file you need to patc it. (no, I will not tell you how to get one, nor will anyone else. If you ask, you will be banned from the boards. No second chances!)

You need to make a folder on your desktop and call it Wii. Inside that folder, your going to put 3 files. backup-creator.exe
wii.iso (this is the image file you made, it did not come with the app pack)

Click START > RUN > type CMD and press enter. You'll get that black box (command prompt). You'll type this:

cd desktop
cd wii
backup-creator wii.iso

This will take a fair amount of time (5-10 minutes).

Once done, the black box will tell you to press any key to continue. You may now close it. You will have a new file in your folder, partition.iso. This is the file you will burn. If you want this to work, you can't go pick up a 100 pack at your local gas station for $12.99... you have to use GOOD media... Memorex, Sony, Verbatim, something with a brand name... not Office Max or Staples branded DVD+-Rs... I personally use Memorex DVD+R. And for the love of god, 1x is not a good burn speed for Wii games.

DVD's have a rating for a reason. If your DVD+-R disc say's 16x, BURN IT AT 16x!!!!! It's meant to be burnt that fast! It will work best when burnt that fast! If you have a DVD+-R that say's 1x, then by all means, burn at 1x! Most DVD+-R discs will be rated at 8x or 16x. BURN THEM AT THE SPEED PRINTED ON THE DISC!!! You've been warned... burning at a slower speed will hurt the media, and cause the Wii to have problems reading it.

Once you have your disc burnt, turn on your Wii, go to the Homebrew Channel, load up the backup loader, and insert the disc when prompted. Press A to play the game, or B to return to the Hombrew Channel.
Hello All ! First post here !

I'm kind of new to all this (I just had a chipped PS2 ...). There is still a question buggin' me. After we've done all the steps written above, would it still be reversible ?

As I understand, the browser will mainly be in a separate channel and the OS of the wii will be unchanged. Without starting the browser, it is still possible to play original games without the loader right as if there wasn't any eh ?
guys if anyone has done this and dont mind could they pm me there msn addy so they could talk me through it ,its easier for me that
hi i have just tried this and it works loading time a bit slow but backups load only tried 1 backup that i downloaded hi stoned follow this and you should have no probs the files are the aswell for d/l just copy to card follow what he says and you will be sorted in about 5 mins

[ame=]YouTube - The Step-by-Step Guide to Playing Backed Up Games on the Wii[/ame]
not had time to watch it propely,do you have to go through all that shite with every game or is it just the once
No , once its installed thats it,
you just need to patch the iso before burning
well here it is for all those people with no modchip,someone has leaked it early...Waninkoko's Backup Loader (LEAKED BETA) and yes it works,i have not tried it my self as i have a mod chip but it is confirmed working.instructions how to get it working are inside rar file.none of this is any of my work i just got it of a site i go on so no credits to me,i`m just here to share it with you......ENJOY

please let me download it im desprate
can i just burn this to dvd and run it in my wii in order to be able to plasy backup games do i need to have the homebrew channel on my wii? if so where do i get this from thanks