Is my TM600 dead?


Inactive User
May 17, 2009
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Hello. Tired of tm600 bugs, specially with cccam, I decided to try every image available, to see if the bug went away.

The update went wrong, because while sending the firmware by wifi, my ubuntu freezed and internet connection with tm600 was lost at 38% writing the flash.

I still have access to U-Boot, and can start sending the firmware by serial cable, but it stops very soon, as shown in the pic. I tried many firmware, some gives crc error, others body error...

Can the TM600 be saved without jtag?

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Hold up and down on the front of the box when entering u-boot and it should reflash off ROM with the original technomate image.

If I hold the up and down keys it doesn't nothing, just show ur team logo flashing on and off, and ---- on the vdf screen, the only way I can enter uboot is to hold the up key, but the uploading firmware process from the computer stops in a few seconds showing errors like crc error, or body error.
Hello again. I found out what was my problem, it was the usb rs232 adapters, and I tried 5 of them... With the null modem cable directly connected to the tm600, I could update the firmware in uboot.

I have to admit, I missed my TM600, even with all the bugs, the receiver that was replacing it is even worst, the azbugs hd elite.

Regards :)
"Is it dead?"

Do I know that feeling, 6 months ago when trying out other images.

Never had the USB adapter prob, got a Maplin one and null-modem-serial cable. But I remember Digidude saying he had issues with them before.

Now, if I could only manage my channel (buckets) lists ?

downlaod what ever bouquets you like then use dreambox edit to send them to the tm600
Hold up and down on the front of the box when entering u-boot and it should reflash off ROM with the original technomate image.

it works thanx, some clever people about..:banana::Clap: