Is freedom of speech being eroded?

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Apr 29, 2007
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Cancel culture is running rough shod across freedom of speech and expression.
Are we being trained to be less accepting of difference of opinion.
Across history, it was always the pioneers who thought differently from the crowd of group thinkers that changed the world for the better.

Are we moving towards George Orwell’s 1984 depiction of “The ministry of truth”

Should we be worried.
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No is the simple answer.

The more complex answer is that as time moves on so does what is socially acceptable. If you go back far enough rape and pillage was part of life, as little 200 years ago slavery was legal in the UK, 55 years ago it was legal to drink and drive, 40 years ago it was common place for women to be inappropriately touched in the work place, all of these things are now socially unacceptable, and laws are in place to stop them. No doubt in 20 - 30 years time thing that are common place now will be socially unacceptable and laws will be brought in to make them illegal.
I think what gasman means is you can't have an opinion or a say anymore and not about slapping a woman's arse at work.

These days you cannot have an opinion whether it's right or wrong and the biggest bullsh*t been politically correct.

Basically been bullied by others because you don't conform to their view, using the words "I beg to differ" is a comment thats hardly used these days.

BLM ?, You were shunned upon if you didn't agree and drop to a knee but now it's been removed due to its political stance and how it wanted to remove the Police.

The biggest one for me is social media were I take little part in. People arguing and suing over petty p*ss arse comments then getting the Police involved is a drain on the system.

I see Musk is allowing Trump back on Twitter now Musk has bought it.

Me?, If your a fat ugly 4eyed f**k face t*at who needs a salad and new teeth I'll say it as I see it

But that's just my opinion you can simply disagree without the need of the law
I think what gasman means is you can't have an opinion or a say anymore and not about slapping a woman's arse at work.

These days you cannot have an opinion whether it's right or wrong and the biggest bullsh*t been politically correct.

Basically been bullied by others because you don't conform to their view, using the words "I beg to differ" is a comment thats hardly used these days.
Me?, If your a fat ugly 4eyed f**k face t*at who needs a salad and new teeth I'll say it as I see it

But that's just my opinion you can simply disagree without the need of the law
Do you judge women on the way they look then an assume they are a tart.
Cancel culture is running rough shod across freedom of speech and expression.
Are we being trained to be less accepting of difference of opinion.
Across history, it was always the pioneers who thought differently from the crowd of group thinkers that changed the world for the better.

Are we moving towards George Orwell’s 1984 depiction of “The ministry of truth”

Should we be worried.
The winners of wars are the ones who write the history.

Freedom of speech is fine, what is unacceptable is using this to attack others, whether through sexuality, race, creed etc.

You of all people raise the question of difference of opinion, your posts, rants, and general language shows that you certainly don't accept others opinions or viewpoints, so how ironic of you to suggest it.

Lots of people are using this 1984 analogy, which proves you've never read the book. The book isn't actually about Big Brother, or the various ministries within the book. Yes they are integral to the story, but it's not actually what the book is about. Much like Animal Farm isn't actually about the farm. But im sure you knew that right ;)


Musk hasn't bought twitter yet, the deal is under review for various reasons. With any acqusition of this nature, it's not like walking into a shop and walking out with what you want.

Musk actually said he would consider letting trump back on, this is a bold marketing move, and will generate traffic and users to the site. Very clever marketing from Musk and his team. Nothing more.

You mention social media, and people posting insults etc. How far are we letting this go? Would it be ok for me to call you a pedophile or a rapist, or muderer across the internet with no evidence, make posts and social groups about it. Tell all your neighbours etc? But it's only words right? It's just a petty comment right?

From your last sentence, you just sound like a horrible person. Why do you feel the need to say that to someone, why belittle them? What are you hoping to attain from saying it? Does it make you feel better because you've said those things to that person. Make you feel better about your own inadequacies? Because, let's be honest we all have them. How would you like it, if that was your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, wife, mother etc. Or would that be different then too, as it directly affects you.

I've been part of the internet long enough to see the cesspool of existence it's now become. Don't get me wrong the cesspool always existed, but the majority of people were helpful, nice, willing to share. Now it's about trolling, making themselves feel better, dragging others down to their level, just for that 2 mins of fame or pleasure, and watching other peoples anguish and hurt.

How far are we taking this disagreement thing without laws? What other laws should we not adhere too? Or not recognise?

I don't honestly think i've ever seen such antiquated posts or viewpoints on this forum for sometime, and I am saddened by the posts lately. We used to be such a great community, where discussions were had, information was shared, and people became friends. Now it just seems to be a way of attacking people anonymously for your own pleasure.
If my post has saddened you for as long as you remember then I'd hate to have opened up.
My point proven, you can't voice any kind of an opinion without some candy floss sugar coated snowflake been "hurt" or offended.

As for me been horrible ?, Fair play to you that's your opinion but does that offend me ? No no no
Seriously.... Life holds far bigger challenges than me been called horrible

It's your opinion and in my world your fully entitled to it. Right off out now few beers and crack some highly offensive banter
If my post has saddened you for as long as you remember then I'd hate to have opened up.
My point proven, you can't voice any kind of an opinion without some candy floss sugar coated snowflake been "hurt" or offended.

As for me been horrible ?, Fair play to you that's your opinion but does that offend me ? No no no
Seriously.... Life holds far bigger challenges than me been called horrible

It's your opinion and in my world your fully entitled to it. Right off out now few beers and crack some highly offensive banter
The funniest thing is, that you think it's perfectly acceptable to say what you've said, dismiss it as "banter" then blame "snowflakes" for being hurt. You didn't address any of the points, so I guess it's open season.

Opinions are like butt holes, we've all got one. But another analogy would be like having a willy. It's nice to have one, but you don't go around flaunting it in public, or whipping it out at every opportunity.

You're obviously of the boomer age demographic, where you felt it was perfectly acceptable to be racist, sexist, mysogonistic. Hell, let's go back to those days, where women couldn't vote, you could slap her when she stepped out of line, and you were always in the pub.

Times change, social demographics change, we evolve. Seems you're harking back to the times of yester year, but everyone else is the problem.
Should a black, or gay football player be subject to abusive chants because of their colour or sexual persuasion? Is that not freedom of speech?
Should a black, or gay football player be subject to abusive chants because of their colour or sexual persuasion? Is that not freedom of speech?
No. How is being deragatory a "freedom of speech". Marginalising someone because of their skin colour, or sexuality isn't freedom of speech, it's hate speech. It's unnecessary and unrequired.
No. How is being deragatory a "freedom of speech". Marginalising someone because of their skin colour, or sexuality isn't freedom of speech, it's hate speech. It's unnecessary and unrequired.
I think the point of the OP was that people should just be allowed to say what they want when they what.
Janobi, The man the myth the woke twat.
If being non deragatory makes me woke, then so be it. I treat people as they treat me, if you want to go around belittling people because of race, creed, colour, sexuality, disability or any other reason, then you're the issue here. Not me.

When anyone resorts to name calling, then they've already lost the discussion. Go back to liking your posts and not posting @manic01
Says the person calling @silverdale horrible lol, you woke twat.
Ok, please read what I actually wrote. I didn't call him horrible. I actually said, that he sounded like a horrible person. At no point did I say xyz member was horrible. So if you're going to try and use something against me, then at least make sure it'll stick.

You've openly called me slurs and insults, because I disagree, or offer a differing opinion. Again I refer back to those that need to use insults have already lost the discussion.

Also i've yet to see anyone post any justification for any of the deragatory comments they're happy to spout. If you need to marginalise people because of colour, creed, race, sexuality, disability or any other means, then you're just not very nice imo. The world is already full of hate, and people are happy to drag you down to make themselves feel better. Seems you and a few others are within that bracket.

Also, if the worst you can call me is woke, then im happy to be woke. But you stick to your more traditional views eh, let's bring back mysogony, or slavery, hell, let's get the kids back working to make our lives easier.
You want to show any quotes from me, going back as far as you want where I have ever stated anything you are suggesting or are you just blowing smoke out your ass as usual. Your attempt at bullying won't work with me so carry on I will go back to my cold beer sat in the sun in Spain awaiting your next snidey remark.
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