Inconsiderate dog owners

I was in the pub once a few years ago and this woman all dressed up in a suit was there with her dog. She looked quite posh.

Anyway the dog crapped on the carpet in the middle of the pub, she saw it happening and left it sitting there. She obviously saw it happen as she finished her drink pretty quick and left. There were kids and all in the pub as it was the afternoon. I went to say it to the barman but before he got a chance to clean it up some poor guy walked in it and it stuck to his shoe and he walked it into the gents.

would have thort that she would have least we and picked it not just leave it there, bet the bar man was not happy aye ?

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not originally when he thought he was gonna have to pick it up, but when he heard where it went he was crying laughing
I don't have a dog but a couple of times a year I look after the inlaws dog. He's awesome, love him to bits and am looking to get one of my own soon. I took him out for a walk in spring but forgot to bring the dog crap bags. No matter how much I pulled there was no stopping him having a monster crap. I felt awful since I had nothing to pick it up ( aside my bare hand, and I don't care how liberal you are, you can fook right off ). Finished the walk and then took him home, dropped him off, picked up the bags and picked the crap up as I was so embarrassed.

Damn dogs mess :) but it's not so difficult to pick up a turd. Yak :)

Thats exactly why I don't have a dog. Don't get me wrong, I would be a very responsible dog owner and pick up its crap in a's just I don't want to do it.

As OP said, its the fekking owners fault not the dogs, will all got to dump.
Thats exactly why I don't have a dog. Don't get me wrong, I would be a very responsible dog owner and pick up its crap in a's just I don't want to do it.

As OP said, its the fekking owners fault not the dogs, will all got to dump.

Thats what people forget Jim they want a dog but they dont want what comes with it, if only people could make a rationalized decision before setting out on their pet owning antics.