Inconsiderate dog owners


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Aug 23, 2007
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Dog mess fall girl 'could lose eye'

A toddler who fell in dog mess in a playground could lose the sight in one of her eyes, it has been reported.

Amiee Langdon, who will be two next week, put her hand down as she tumbled over, then wiped her left eye.

She was taken to hospital by her mother Suzanne, 29, from Fallowfield, Manchester, where tests confirmed she had picked up the infection toxocariasis, which is spread by dog dirt.

Dog mess fall girl 'could lose eye' -  UK News - MSN News UK

I know a large majority of dog owners are responsible but this is a personal bugbear of mine. My kids school is next to a part frequented by dog walkers and the walk to school is like walking through a minefield some days. It even more annoying as there is a dog waste bin right there.
the road i live on is like a mine field most of the time ...and yet if my dog does its doodies as to say..when i pick it up with a bag ppl look at you as if am mad picking it up ...hope the young girl end up ok ....some ppl are just to lazy bet they would pick it up if some 1 slapped a fine on them for not doing it...
It's easy to pick it up in a bag and then use hand sanatiser after. Im lucky in that my dogs go out in the garden first thing then when i walk them they don't need to go. I always carry bags around with me though just incase.
It's not any big deal to carry small plastic bags and hand sanitiser in your pocket, still seems to be dog sh1t everywhere though :(
Train them lol

My dogs trained to crap in the same place to the command "two""two""two"
Took 2 days to train him mind he is a border collie
Yes, owners just need to train them to crap in the same place in their yards, somewhere that's easy to hose down as no one wants crap and brown spots all over their gardens.

They sould post pictures of that little girl with a message attached in notorious dog crapping grounds to shame them and make them think twice...

As far as I am concerned, any dog owner who doesn't clean up after their dog is responsible for this little girls health at the moment.
my dog only does it in my garden,it isnt allowed on the grass until it has and when i take it out it wont do anything ,what pishes me off more we get them council vans that sweep the pavements so you end up with half circles of dog dung all over the place
You can do something about the dog owners not picking up the crap, but what can you do about strey dogs crapping everywhere. Manchester is full of them.
I learnt something new, I didn't know you could train a dog to crap on command, lol

Funny thing I say a report that council was using CCTV to catch dog walkers who don't clean up and then they were told they not allowed to do it. I swear next time I see somebody doing it, i am going to talk a photo and send it to the council.
I learnt something new, I didn't know you could train a dog to crap on command, lol

I don't think it applied to Cheeky Monkey's when he gave his some of your curry lol...
My dog craps in the same place each night, so i know when to get a bag out. lol.

But we have pensioner houses nearby and it has shit at nearly every gate, even though a campaign to bag and bin is always ongoing! Ignorant people.
My dog craps in the same place each night, so i know when to get a bag out. lol.

But we have pensioner houses nearby and it has shit at nearly every gate, even though a campaign to bag and bin is always ongoing! Ignorant people.

i dont quite follow, your saying you know where your dog shits, but unfortunately there is a pensioner nearby who shits at everygate nearby?????

i`d seriously complain about that, its bad enough with the dog lol.
That's terrible the poor girl fancy having to live with that for the rest of your life.
A dog might be man's best friend but it can also be peoples worst enemy and it's not the dog's fault. it's the lazy inconsiderate owners that are to blame.

Let's hope the poor kids eye sight can be saved and that if enough people are made aware of this they head the advice and pick the dog shit up.
My dog craps in the same place each night, so i know when to get a bag out. lol.

But we have pensioner houses nearby and it has shit at nearly every gate, even though a campaign to bag and bin is always ongoing! Ignorant people.

why get the old bag out to clean your dogs shit up? Cant you clean your dogs mess up yourself Audball:proud:
av just took the dog out for her night time walk.
and she sits down to do a wee on a bit of grass ..she wont wee on the pavement for some reason.any way some fella comes running out shouting i hope ur going to pick that up .wtf i thought so replied get me a fecking sponge and i will lol.the fella only pulls a torch out looking for poo lol. the look on his face was priceless ....give the guy his due he's got some natts to come running out saying that.. pitty every 1 isnt like that.. did make me laugh thou
I don't have a dog but a couple of times a year I look after the inlaws dog. He's awesome, love him to bits and am looking to get one of my own soon. I took him out for a walk in spring but forgot to bring the dog crap bags. No matter how much I pulled there was no stopping him having a monster crap. I felt awful since I had nothing to pick it up ( aside my bare hand, and I don't care how liberal you are, you can fook right off ). Finished the walk and then took him home, dropped him off, picked up the bags and picked the crap up as I was so embarrassed.

Damn dogs mess :) but it's not so difficult to pick up a turd. Yak :)
I was in the pub once a few years ago and this woman all dressed up in a suit was there with her dog. She looked quite posh.

Anyway the dog crapped on the carpet in the middle of the pub, she saw it happening and left it sitting there. She obviously saw it happen as she finished her drink pretty quick and left. There were kids and all in the pub as it was the afternoon. I went to say it to the barman but before he got a chance to clean it up some poor guy walked in it and it stuck to his shoe and he walked it into the gents.