images from 3 new teams

I will try that , thanks , Off to work soon so will have to be tomorrow. If anyone has a guide on how to flash with null modem lead it would be a help
Thanks to ferret

Best way is with null modem cable and TMCC .

We will do this with the TM Control Center.

1. Download TM control center and extract it to a folder.

2. Download the latest image .

3. Start TMCC with the TechnomateCenter.exe

4. Click on the serial tab.

5. Top option set the comport to the one you have your null modem cable connected to usually com1.

6. Now click the file button and select the unrared image you downloaded earlier.

7. Now in front of your TV switch the power OFF on your TM.

8. Press in and hold the UP ^ button and then turn the power back on youll see a setup screen in front of you.

9. Press the up button for serial update then the right > button and then the ok button. This will start the image upload. Wait till it confirms the process is done.

10. Now turn off the power leave it for a min and then turn it back on.

At this point it will go through the standard setup procedure if you need help give us a shout.
im just doing one last job, should be done by about 7PM, then ill do my best to break a 500 and a 600 using the new images available, then once ive broken them, ill tell you how to fix them :)