

Inactive User
Aug 9, 2001
Reaction score
where are you my little flower you don't talk to me no more is it cuz i am ginger
Its cos youve been a bad boy. No more hugs from huggy bear choke! Pass me a kleenex.
LOL huggi swears more thai i do in fact he tought me quite a few words i did not know before.. in exchange for me helping him unlock some phones as he is not that good at doing phones for himself he just pm's me for help.. p.s speccy don't waste them kleenex m8 scoot goes through a box of them every night when he is watching cilla black
sometimes twin packs xxl

no m8 youve got it wrong its the pack of six , i go through !!!

kleenex is for watchin fallen angels

in tears literally

i know speccy like i said i coouldnt stop crying it was an awfull film wasn,t it lol

regards scoot
SORRY m8 i didnt see the thread , how the hell u doin sheep boy??????????? u should come to the hub we could have a great laugh there scoot is there when he bothers to be but i am there most the time let me know if u need help to connect to it. i know ur so very thick but im sure a few phones calls and emails we can have u

p.s make sure u come to the hub!
well yo sweet stuff i did try to get into the hub once but it said i dad not have 20meg the minimum deposit lol and at the time i admit i did try to sneek in with a misely 14 meg but when i incresed it to 24 meg it still said i did not have the right amount so i gave up guess its cuz iam ginger. or as you say iam a bit thick when it come to testical thingy bobs i will have another go later but if scoooooooooooooooot is there well i won't get much of a chance to talk to anyone as the mouth on that bloke no one else gets a look in :Frog:
tell me bout it nar i like him though . make sure u come to the hub m8 its a good crack we all chat and that so MAKE SURE U COME PLEASE look i even said plz to a sheep shagger like u....bastard
tut tut such bad words you can not see but you have made me blush now. and quite a few other members as well i would guess.. but i will have another go getting in it carn't be that hard if scoot hub up.. p.s i am off the sheep now they are starting to get the winter coats now all that fur in the teeth you know what i mean i don't have to tell you :eek:
where are you my little flower???

an i thought i was the bender of digital world, lol

perhaps we should call yer miss rodgers " GINGER"

do your,e collars match yer cuffs lol,

come into the hub well dye yer hair peroxide blonde then yer,ll look like steve strange!!!!!

as always flame head scoot