How's everyones training going?


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2004
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Just checking to see how everyone is going with their choosen sector of health, fitness and radience...!! We need some blog like postings!!

I, have had a revelation... Been reading some PDF I came across by someone who's name I don't have at the mo but can post and pass on at anyones request.

Some of you might remember I mentioned I lived Manchester when I started doing a bit of strength trainning (basically just started lifing weights becasue I was fat and boared) and had loads of testosterone coarsing through my system and nearly had my flat mate planted in the flower bed like a Daffodil via the first floor window.

Well, I think I know why I had all that free testosterone AND bigger muscles. Where I lived, there were these asian supermarkets which used to sell veg dirt cheap (you know that place in Manchester that has been on the news recently for the terrorist raids, there), and I often just used to make vegetable curries and stir frys, etc... hardly any meat, becasue I don't know what Halal is and they never seem to sell pork...

Turns out that if you are breaking muscle tisue down (via strength, resistance, weights) and DON'T eat protein, then your body releases testosterone on overdrive to help rebuild muscle tissue becasue of the lack of protein. MAD OR WHAT... so now I know!

He basically says that most of these exercise mags are owned by protein companies and they market as much of their shite on to you as they can. It says that if you are going for a shit all the time, that is just the protein your body ISN'T using, so you are just shitting it out.

The whole ethose of his document promotes 3 weeks high protein, and then 3 weeks low protein diet... when I say low, I mean low, just 30 grams straight after a workout and then none, no ham sandwiches, no cheese on toast, no eggs, no fish.

So on the 3 weeks low pretein, you are relaying on pure testosterone to do its thing, and then when you switch to the 3 week high protein, your muscles are so starved of it, they just soak it all up like a sponge.

Read something about steroids as well a few days ago. They reckon these EPS systems are a far better rout to go. Lots of athletes from the last olyimpics used them to warm down. They are ment to offer far more benefits to sports fitness than roids ever could. Might be worth researching if anyone is interested - can't recall most of the information about it now.
...I don't know what Halal is

It's all good mate. It's just the same, normal meat that you're used to buying from anywhere else - except the animal will have been slaughtered (and drained) in accordance to Islamic rules.
It's all good mate. It's just the same, normal meat that you're used to buying from anywhere else - except the animal will have been slaughtered (and drained) in accordance to Islamic rules.

Ah well, back in the sticks with all the pork eatin white brothers and sisters again now... Fruit and veg is well more expensive though and only comes in plastic wrapping !!!

lol, I'm sure if you ask they'd be happy to explain this over a bacon roll and cuppa....

Lol, would have been funny just to walk down the road eating a hotdog to see the reaction. Opening a hotdog stall there would have been a good Trigger Happy TV sketch, lol...