How many of you goes to gym regularly?

A 6-pack is one of the hardest things to acheive mate. Even if you only have a little fat on your stomach you won't see it. Before you start with taking protein and weight gain, you need to try and ditch your excess fat with a good diet and cardio.

Then you can think about protein etc, but as any good bodybuilder will tell you, your diet needs to be spot on, all these supps you can take don't create mirricles.

I also agree that the bodybuilding scene is quite a usless one; it has little to do with fitness in my eyes as you end up imbalanced, muscle-bound, easily out of breath and have a list of aches, pains and ailments... hardly health in a bun!! But you have to capitulate, each to their own and all that.

Also think men are very image conscious becasue of... ... well... have you ever noticed in most films these days when a bloke has his top off he is ripped all over the show? So there is a lot of pressure on men to look a certain way these days I think - but what men don't realise is to be ripped like these men in Hollywood folly films you have to spend unnatural amounts of time in the gym and become obsessive about your diet - it just isn't practical.

Look in the Health & Fitness section for tips mate. Don't let these muscle mags sell you supps as they are all owned by supp makers so will tell you anything. Look up CLA for fat metabolism, compound strengh training to increase hormone production and fat burning. Look at a Spartan 300 style workout for good balance in fat loss and muscle gain.

And don't be tempted to take roids, you just end up looks bloated, fat and obviously on roids, lol...
I dropped the creatine monohydrate, it's probably beneficial if you are deficient but I didn't notice anything from it. I do eat quite a lot of meats (yes, I know that is reported to have its own dangers of free radicals etcetera) which are a natural source.

I keep protein intake to about 1g per pound of total bodyweight, excess, apart from the above posted issues also can be converted and stored as fat. I think the liver de-aminises it and converts it to glucose (gluconeogenesis).

Another reason I thought it prudent to stop is Chinese manufacturers knowingly put melamine in baby food so I can't imagine what could find its way into something for bodybuilders and strength trainees.
I try to hit gym regularly, try to hit the gym 4 times a week. Mon, Tues - Wed Break - Thurs, Fri and weekend break (work on the weekends)

I'm what you would call a fat bloke weighing in at just under 16 stones at 5ft 9"

I'm trying to lose weight and gain a bit of muscle mass at the same time but what I'm trying to do is cycle my training. I'll do 4 weeks of losing weight where I watch my diet, ease of the carbs and do cardio. Then the next 4 weeks I'll change the diet up slightly eat sensibly and increase my protein intake and add weights to my session in the gym.

I'm hoping that what I am doing is right. There is a wealth of information out there on the internet and this is what I found to be the most effective in achieving my goals.

Any advice or tips would be much appreciated.
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Well you are definitely doing the right thing in varying your training, i have been walking four days a week for a long time and would have classed myself as quite fit, but i am finding using the machines quite tough!

It's important to do different things as your muscles get used to doing the same exercises all the time and then you don't get the benefit.
Well you are definitely doing the right thing in varying your training, i have been walking four days a week for a long time and would have classed myself as quite fit, but i am finding using the machines quite tough!

It's important to do different things as your muscles get used to doing the same exercises all the time and then you don't get the benefit.

Yup, I thought I was a relatively fit guy, even though I'm classed as obese, I've played football regularly for the past 6 years 2 times a week. But when I hit the treadmill to do fatburning session I'm absolutely knackered with in 5minutes. I suppose the smoking doesn't help ;) lol
eat clean
highish protein (1g/lb bodywieght is enough IMO), low starchy carbs, moderate non-starchy carbs, moderate pure fats (ie natural not highly processed)
lift wieghts 3 times a week on progressive program eg starting stength/stronglifts 5x5 etc. (takes 20-90 mins a session depending on how heavy you are lifting)
NO suppliments needed
NO cardio needed
can be done at home provided you get a cage/wieghts (costs less than non budget cardio machines)

if you want to bulk drink milk - lots of it - if you dont dont

Eat clean, eat big, lift heavy - simple

it works

btw 6 pack requires more attention to diet (far more) than to training - 100 hours a week cardio (lol) will NOT give you a six pack no matter what suppliments you are taking if you eat rubbish - visible 6 pack is dependant on bodyfat levels and to a lesser extent the size of the ab muscles (ie bigger abs would be visiible at a higher BF than smaller ones) - as most forms of cardio taken to the levels required to reduce BF below 10% alone will reduce lean body mass this isnt the way I would go if I wanted a visible 6 pack
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