How do I know if a site is safe for credit card use

where is the padlock ? it should be on taskbar area if im right ?
Maybe its because im using firefox... but i see no lock

thanks for the reply
Thanks for your replies, I dont know why mine is not displaying the security lock, I checked in Explorer and it worked, maybe i need to check my firefox settings, my wife does use my laptop, maybe she has changed something..

This is where it pays to have your card protected in some way....

that way you can order online for whatever and if you are ripped off you will get your money back
also if your using firefox click the name next to the web address and you get more info about it

Google Chrome is displaying the Padlock too.

Site appears as secure as any other.
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I ordered a belkin cooler from play yesterday and there was no padlock symbol. However it was a https address. This is what you should be looking for.

Also if using a card then dont ever use a debit card, always use a credit card.
I don''t have a credit card so I always use my Debit. :Smokin:

Problem with debit is the banks. Its more harder to get anything back from them and to prove fraudulent use.
With credit cards they offer more protection.

My card was cloned recently and MBNA refunded the dodgy payment. Whatever system they have they managed to determine fraud and blocked the card without me knowing. Then they phoned me up.
Have a read here. I thought I was very careful with my use but still that credit card got cloned. Only time Ive used a debit card online was to pay off my credit card bills.
I use my card online on average 3 times a week, so far so good.

I did have a problem a couple of months ago though. I ordered £300 worth of kit from DABS, my bank allowed the sale then they froze my account until they could reach me and verify that the transaction was genuine. It was entirely my fault as I hadn't updated my contact details, so the security team were trying to call my old phone number, so when they couldn't verify the order they froze the account.